She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin)

Chapter 168: Soar Casino In Chaos
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Chapter 168: Soar Casino In Chaos

Chapter 168: Soar Casino in Chaos

The temperature around Kelvin suddenly dropped several degrees, and he was filled with amurderous aura. His expressionless face was covered with a sense of killing intent.

Like an Asura crawling out of hell, his big hand turned into a scythe of death and was approachingher slender fair neck. He wanted to kill her!

Just as his big hand touched her skin, the man's heavy breathing became short and he stopped.

He left.

Cheyenne's legs went weak, and she leaned against the wall. Her head tilted back as she stared atthe light above in silence for a while until her eyes began to feel sore before she looked away.

Tears rolled down from her eyes onto her fair breast, staining her black dress.

"This light is so annoying. It hurts my eyes," she muttered softly under her breath.

She stood up at the door after collecting herself and put on a sweet smile before opening it with abang. The wooden door closed behind her quickly.

The man who should have left appeared from around the corner of the corridor; his tall figure castan imposing shadow on the wall like that of pine trees on cliffs.

His deep-set eyes were chillingly dark.novelbin

Soon there came moans that captured the imagination.

"Ah... no... don't do this."

Kelvin felt his blood boil as if his veins would burst open beneath his ribs where it hurt terribly.

Cheyenne's voice was familiar to him more than anyone else's!

This version of herself had lost even basic human principles; Kelvin felt disappointed by howeverything seemed like just another dream - neither good nor bad but something close to beingclassified as nightmares perhaps?

With a sense of disappointment, he turned and walked away.

A short while later, the tightly closed wooden door opened from the inside. A small head cautiouslylooked left and right down the corridor, confirming there was no one around. Then, a petite figureemerged, a handsome young man with an air of innocence in his youthful features. He wore a whiteshirt paired with black suit trousers.

Delicately, he carried a tray and walked confidently. He casually closed the door behind him.

Inside the room, Reece sat by the coffee table, crossing his legs. He picked up some grapes fromthe table, tossing them into his mouth while making some playful noises.

On top of large bed lay a young man wearing nothing but boxer shorts whose mouth had beengagged by white towel while his black tie acted as the rope binding his wrists together.

Like throwing a torn sack, Cheyenne threw him down and sealed his acupoints with needles. Aslong as she didn't remove them, he would sleep for two hours.

After some incredible makeup skills, the gorgeous girl transformed into a handsome young manwith an elegant posture.

She tied up her long hair and put it under a hat. She deliberately darkened her face with foundation,making her look completely different from usual. Anyone who saw her would think she was just a

young boy.

Cheyenne swaggered through the crowd holding red wine, scanning the people and corners of thehall with her beautiful eyes shimmering like water. There were too many people here; she wasunlikely to find any useful clues. The second floor was for guests while someone guarded the thirdfloor.

It seemed that there were more opportunities on the third floor but to get there, one had to climb upthose golden stairs where two rows of black-clad bodyguards stood guard.

She needed to distract them if she wanted to go upstairs.

Cheyenne pretended to flip her hair but actually opened Bluetooth earphones hidden in her earsand called Reece, "This is Cheyenne! I need you guys to make some noise!"

"I understand," Reece replied quickly.

Soon glass shattered in Reece's room followed by screams so loud they drowned out all othernoises below for one second!

At that moment, Dominic picked up a pile of chips from his table and threw them on the groundbefore flipping over his table, shouting, "I'm done playing! Your casino is nothing but a scam! I won'tcome back again!"

The chaos in the hall quickly caught attention of bodyguards who split into two teams - one wentupstairs while others ran towards Dominic. The wealthy gamblers playing at tables clutched theirchips tightly, afraid someone might rob them during this commotion!

"Come catch me!" On 2nd-floor corridor, Reece held up a vase, then let it go, causing an exquisiteporcelain double-eared vase to fall rapidly onto the table surface. Shards flew in all directions,injuring some people by accident.

"What's going on?"

"Oh my god! Call 911!"

"We can't call police; don't you remember where we are?"

"My money, it hurts so much..."


The hall was in chaos, with screams, footsteps and the sound of objects falling everywhere.

Dominic had summoned all the courage he had in his life to cause trouble. If it were any other day,he wouldn't dare.

But watching those people chasing after him from behind made him inexplicably excited.

He ran faster and faster.


Third floor.

When this underground city was built, materials with excellent sound insulation were selected forconstruction purposes.

The people inside the room had no idea what was happening outside the door.

Mr. King stood opposite the man and respectfully called out, "Uncle!"

The man took off his cap revealing a head of silver hair that shone like threads under the light. Hisgaze turned cold.

"Didn't I say not to touch her? Why did you do it?" He kicked Mr. King hard in the stomach, causinghim to grimace in pain as he fell onto a table corner hitting his spine which made tears roll down hisface from pain.

Mr. King lowered his head, apologetically saying, "I'm sorry, Uncle... someone paid 300 million forher life, so I accepted."

"300 million? Who paid it?" The old man was surprised by this amount of money; he never thoughtthat girl's life would be worth so much.

"It's Madam Thalia from the Todd family."


Suddenly anger replaced confusion in the old man's eyes. "It seems she still doesn't trust me."

"Uncle, why don't you quit there? A position as a family doctor is too low for you."

"What do you know? By the way, how is Aidan Hudson doing?"

As he thought of his best friend, a look of pain crossed Mr. King's face. He replied in a hushed tone,"Mission failed; he got shot. He's still in the hospital."

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