She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin)

Chapter 133: Work The Night Shift
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Chapter 133: Work The Night Shift

Chapter 133: Work the Night Shift

Kate finally stopped crying and wiped away her tears with her small hands. She glared at Cheyenneplayfully, "Your expression had me worried and feeling down. I thought..."

"You thought I was really going to mess things up and couldn't save your brother?" Cheyennechuckled, finally turning to Jonathan who stood beside her.

She greeted him casually, "Mr. Owen, long time no see. How have you been?"

Jonathan's attitude towards Cheyenne was completely different from his attitude towards Kate.

With Kate, Mr. Owen seemed to treat her like a granddaughter and spoke kindly as an elder would.

But when facing Cheyenne, Mr. Owen's expression and eyes were filled with admiration andappreciation.

Did they see it wrong?

How could Mr. Owen admire a girl who looked around eighteen?

The next moment, something unexpected happened - the usually stern Mr. Owen suddenly stoodbeside the young girl with a big smile on his face like a fanboy.

"As soon as I heard that it was you who came here, I wasn't worried anymore," he said happily toCheyenne. "If there is any disease in this world that you can't cure, then nobody else can."

When he said this, all the doctors present felt offended by his words.

They had lived for so many years but still couldn't compare to a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.What a joke!

Cheyenne's lips twitched slightly. Every time the old man smiled so brightly, she knew it meanttrouble ahead.

"Mr. Owen, please don't flatter me like that," she replied calmly.

In this vast world, there are countless hidden masters out there, including those whose medicalskills surpass hers.

"Okay, let's not talk about that anymore," he waved off her modest response. "Cheyenne, do youhave any interest in working at our hospital? Recently one of our surgical experts went abroad forfurther studies, so we need someone new."

"He leaned in slightly, getting close to Cheyenne's ear, and spoke in a voice only the two of themcould hear,"You work hard for another year or two, then after I retire, Eddie will take over myposition as the director while you become the vice-director. How does that sound?"

You see, even for an exceptionally gifted person, it takes five years to start studying medicine atuniversity, followed by three years for a master's degree, and another two years for studyingabroad.

At least ten years were needed before one doctor was qualified to become an employee of thishospital, and even after entering, not everyone got the chance to perform surgeries.

After starting work, one must undergo at least a year of internship under experienced seniors beforethey were qualified to practice independently. To become an expert, it was impossible without atleast twenty years. Promotion to the director and management positions was even more difficult.

This was a good promotion opportunity that every doctor craved for, but Jonathan was eagerlygiving it to Cheyenne.

He looked forward to her approval.

Ten years ago, he had seen Cheyenne when she was still a little girl. Her acupuncture skills hadamazed him.novelbin

At that time, he and his fellow student Carl both tried to take her as their disciple, while Cheyenneaw them as frauds and ignored them completely.

Later on, Carl took Jase as his disciple while Jonathan chose Eddie instead. But in his mind, he stillregretted not having Cheyenne as his disciple.

Unfortunately for him though, Cheyenne didn't see him as anything other than an old man.

As she listened to the old man's words now, Cheyenne raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Was he trying to give her special treatment?

"He-he," she laughed dismissively. "You're just trying to get me to do things for you again, aren'tyou? I can be living worry-free and sleeping in until I naturally wake up every day. Isn't that muchbetter than coming here and slaving away in your crappy hospital?"

Cheyenne refused his invitation without any hesitation; such rude words sounded so arrogant infront of everyone!

A crappy hospital?

Hopedale Hospital was one of the top hospitals nationwide with many excellent doctors and expertsfrom all around the world gathering there; yet in her mouth it became nothing more than a crappy


But Jonathan wasn't angry because he knew that Cheyenne had every reason to be so arrogant.

"Okay then," he said calmly. "If there's anything you're unsatisfied with about our hospital, then I'llchange it all for you! Do you think our hospital isn't grand enough? We'll be building a new inpatientbuilding next year which will be located in the new administrative district covering an area of over 50acres."

"Nope," replied Cheyenne simply.

"Then is it because our disinfectant smells too strong? I can have some rose water sprinkled into it ifthat's what you want - don't young people like you like romance?"


"Huh?" asked Jonathan confusedly. "Is it because you don't like our office decor style? It might be abit outdated but what do you prefer instead - Mediterranean or Baroque styles perhaps? Or maybeFrench Macarons?"

Mr. Owen humbly begged Cheyenne to work at his hospital.

Jase and other employees never saw Mr. Owen act this way before; they stared wide-eyed at eachother while secretly pinching themselves hard on their thighs. It really hurt like hell! It seemed likethis wasn't just some dream after all...

Cheyenne couldn't help but roll her eyes at the old man's incessant chatter, crossing her arms andstaring at him.

"I told you I'm not coming. I'm lazy. If you want me to clock in from nine to five like a good employee,I won't do it!"

Mr. Owen's lips twitched slightly. This girl was definitely the most stubborn and laziest one he hadever met.

But it was because he liked her abilities and her arrogant personality that could only make acompromise. "Well, just come to work when you wake up then." Jonathan licked his teeth andsuggested quietly.

"What if I sleep until sunset?"

"I don't mind if you come to work the night shift."

"Get lost!"

Ignoring the petrified people beside her, Cheyenne walked out of the hospital with her pink sandalsclacking loudly on the ground.

In her palm was the round wooden bead that Eddie had just held onto tightly. She carefullyexamined it for a while but found nothing special about it.

Whose bead was this? Why was it in Eddie's hand? Did he want to convey a message that thisaccident was related to its owner? But with so many people around, where could she find its owner?

"Forget it. Let me go see where this happened first."

Kate had reported this incident to the police who quickly arrived on scene and sealed off the areawhere there were knives lying around along with bloodstains all over the ground near a busy streetnot far from the hospital.

A group of bystanders gathered nearby, whispering about what they saw earlier:

"Oh my god! You guys didn't see what happened earlier! When I came out, suddenly someonedragged a young man off of a cab and then beat him up badly."

"I saw that too! They even held knives. It was so terrifying!"

"That young man has been sent into hospital. We don't know whether he is dead or alive yet."

"How tragic..."

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