She Became Rich After Divorce (Cheyenne and Kelvin)

Chapter 119: Cheyenne Is Scheming
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Chapter 119: Cheyenne Is Scheming

Chapter 119: Cheyenne Is Scheming

All eyes in the venue were focused on the two of them.

It was clear to everyone that Iker's legs were broken. He could barely stand, let alone dance.

He was more like a pole than a dance partner.

Omari stood beside Iker, his charming eyes showing a hint of disappointment.

His lips parted slightly as he wanted to tell Cheyenne that he could dance with her.

But Cheyenne had invited the disabled Iker to be her partner instead.

Omari clenched and unclenched his hands under his suit sleeves, watching as Cheyenne's handremained suspended in mid-air waiting for Iker's touch.

He was angry. Iker hesitated when given an opportunity that Omari himself would have killed for. Itwas like they say: those who are full never understand those who are hungry.

Without warning, Omari grabbed hold of Iker's hand and placed it into Cheyenne's soft palm withoutlooking at their joined hands directly.

"Cheyenne choose you because she believes in you," he said with a jealous tone.

Iker turned around and looked at him with dull eyes. "Why?"

"She wants you to win," Omari replied firmly. Otherwise, he would have fought tooth and nail for thischance himself - how could it fall into Master Iker's lap?

Cheyenne wanted to beat Kelvin; but what about him? He needed to overcome his own insecuritiesand sensitivity towards others' malice towards him in this world.

Until Cheyenne took hold of his rough hand with her delicate one, he didn't know what else to do.novelbin

If it were before his legs broke, dancing wouldn't be difficult at all.

Cheyenne lowered her head, breathed in Iker's ear, and in a voice so soft that only they could hear,she whispered, "Trust me."

Such clear and resolute words were etched in his blank mind. They felt like magic pills which helpedcalmed down his indecisive heart.


Kelvin kept staring at her stunning profile while thinking how crazy this woman is acting again! Shecan't even dance yet chose someone who can't walk! Even if it had been Omari instead of Ikner asher choice... she still might have some hope left...

Why did she choose Ikner?

"Hehe... I didn't see wrong, Did I? Miss Lawrence actually chose Master Iker! I gotta remind you, thedoctor said his legs..." Thalia's annoying voice sounded in the banquet hall.

She hadn't finished speaking but everyone knew exactly what she meant by mentioning the doctor'swords regarding Ikner's leg condition...

Some people started laughing at Cheyenne; they couldn't help but think how scheming MissLawrence was tonight!

"Perhaps she knows she's going to lose, so she brought Master Iker along. Even if she loses, itwon't be too embarrassing," Abbie's chilly voice rang out, mocking Cheyenne's ulterior motives.

Her words enlightened everyone, and Erica walked over from the crowd.

Her slender legs stopped in front of Iker as she advised him with a serious tone. "Iker, you're justfooling around with her. Cheyenne is only using you to show off."

Cheyenne stood behind Iker with her arms crossed arrogantly and raised her chin to look at Erica."If Master Iker thinks so too, then I can switch my partner."

Before Cheyenne's words fell, Iker's face turned black as he pinched her arm.

"I believe in you," he said coldly before looking at Erica expressionlessly and furrowing his brows."Madam Erica, you don't need to worry; Miss Lawrence and I will definitely win."

Erica smiled bitterly; this wasn't how the old Iker would have treated her.

She realized that it was because of her betrayal that broke all his love for herself.

"Yes," Erica retreated dejectedly after being rejected by him again. This scene was seen by Thaliawho couldn't help but sneer sarcastically.

"Being rejected by Iker? As expected! He hates you more than anyone else now; don't embarrassyourself any further."

Erica immediately became cold-faced and retorted without caring about others around them hearingtheir conversation.

"Don't bother yourself about me, Thalia; why don't you think about how your precious son canreplace Mr. Lara successfully? But seeing how talented and excellent Mr. Lara is, your son is just

experiencing unrequited love."

Erica accidentally found out that Master Davon had feelings for Miss Davidson.

Thalia and Davon not only caused Iker to break his legs but also had their sights set on taking overthe position of the future son-in-law of the President.

Unfortunately, Emily didn't find Davon's background appealing and instead chose to be withHayden.


The two women arguing attracted attention from people around them, making Kai feel embarrassedas he glared at them both. "Shut up!"

His stern tone made Erica shut up reluctantly while Kai felt pity towards her watery eyes once again.

He had to soften his expression and reached out with a big hand to embrace Erica's shoulder,pulling her into his arms. "Okay, I'm not scolding you. It's just that in front of so many people, youshould say less."

"Hmph, you're just criticizing me. You said before that you would protect me for a lifetime, but it wasa lie!"

A cold and unexpected tear rolled down from the eyes.

Kai had been forceful all his life, but the one thing he feared was a woman's tears.

Besides, Erica was much younger than himself. If he hadn't drunkenly stumbled into her room thatyear, Erica wouldn't have become an enemy of the entire Todd family. This is something for whichhe owes her an apology.

Additionally, Erica is young and has a cheerful yet somewhat stubborn personality. It is because ofthese traits that Kai sees a bit of his younger self in her and spoils her endlessly.

"Okay baby, I was wrong. I shouldn't have yelled at you. Come on, let me take you to eat somedesserts."

"Don't you love matcha cake the most? Every time you eat it, all your troubles are forgotten."

After speaking, Kai left Thalia who was still fuming there and embraced Erica before leaving.

"Little vixen, you'll meet your end sooner or later!"

Seeing her husband dote on that minx so much, Thalia was almost beside herself with anger.

Both Emily and Cheyenne have chosen their dance partners, Kelvin and Iker respectively.

The second piece of music slowly began to play, and Abbie watched as the man she liked dancedwith another woman. She felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart.

And she also looks forward to being invited by other men.

Unfortunately, she had been standing there for a long time and even though the music had startedplaying, no one came to invite her. She felt extremely embarrassed as she clenched her handstightly.

Apart from her identity as Kelvin's companion, Abbie's plain appearance and thin figure really failedto arouse the interest of men among this group of wealthy young ladies.

Omari stood out in the crowd as a remarkable figure, and many wealthy young ladies approachedhim to invite him.

Unfortunately, he rejected them all.

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