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"In Evercrest, relentlessly pursuing Liz, and then attempting to take her life in Luminesia, is that your idea of helping her?"

Remington's gaze was ice-cold as he stared down Barbara, devoid of any warmth.

Barbara's brow furrowed slightly, "Attempt to take her life? Liz is tough, she vanished without a trace as soon as she went abroad. I was the one who helped her leave the country, of course, I had to ensure her safety! When we couldn't find her, I even sent my own nephew to look for her. She was hiding in Luminesia, you say?

And what about Ralap, I haven't been able to reach him. Remington, have you seen him on your trip?"novelbin

Liz almost wanted to applaud Barbara for her ability to twist the narrative so skillfully.

Remington's heart was heavy with irony.

Even though he had suspected that the West family might go as far as murder, using Ralap as a scapegoat, the reality still took him by surprise.

He hadn't expected Barbara to be so ruthless, especially towards her own nephew, whom she once treated like a son. Now, she was willing to cast him aside without a second thought.

He had always prided himself on being a good judge of character, yet it turned out he was the one who was blind, not Barbara.

"Do you really expect me to believe that? My wife was being hunted down in Luminesia, and all fingers pointed back to the West family.

Barbara, have I been too kind to the West family over the years that you think I'm a fool easily deceived?"

There was a sharp edge to Remington's voice, and he no longer addressed Barbara with any familial endearment.

Barbara felt a chill, though her expression remained unchanged, her brows knitting together.

"Being hunted down? How could that be! Where's Ralap? I need to speak to him; there must be some misunderstanding!"

Barbara wasn't overly panicked; she had been careful with her dealings. She hadn't made any appearances, and the men Ralap brought with him had never seen her.

Even if Remington interrogated those men, there was no direct evidence to prove she was the mastermind.

As long as she insisted that Ralap acted on his own, there would be no proof against her.

Remington knew arguing further was pointless. Holding Liz close, his eyes shone with a chilling light as he coldly said, "I hope you can keep up this act."

Barbara sensed a menacing threat in his words, and her heart sank.

But the West family was no ordinary family. Without solid evidence, even Remington couldn't touch her.

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Tears welled up in Barbara's eyes.

"If you have evidence, feel free to call the police on me, otherwise, I have nothing more to say."

Stella also wiped away her tears, approaching Liz with a deep, sincere bow.


"I'm sorry, Liz. My mother has been looking for me for years, wanting to make up for lost time, giving me the best. It must be my cousin who misunderstood her intentions, You're a mother too; you understand the love Barbara has..." Content

Liz looked at Stella with scorn, recognizing the West family's timeless recipe for moral manipulation.

"I would never endorse my child with murder! Evil is evil, a murderer is a murderer, don't tarnish the word 'motherhood"!"

Liz spat out in laughter.

Stella's face turned pale as she shook her head in tears.

"Liz, you've misunderstood me and my mother deeply. You might not know, but I can't have children of my own anymore, my health won't allow it. But I know Remington's status; he can't be without an heir.

So, if you truly leave Remington, your child would become mine, and I would love him as my own, why would I..."


Stella's pitiful plea was cut short as Liz landed a fierce slap across her face.


Stella stumbled and fell, looking up with her hand on her cheek.


"Whether you can have children is your business, keep your eyes off my child!"

"I didn't mean it like that... Remington?" Stella looked up at Remington, her eyes seeking comfort.

But Remington didn't glance at Stella; instead, he gently patted Liz's back as she trembled with indignation.

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