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Lizetta shyly pushed against his chest, dodging him, "Someone might see."

Remington slightly lifted his head away, caressing her flushed lips, his voice a low murmur, "Thecoast's already clear."

Lizetta turned her head, indeed surprised to find that the two clerks had discreetly vanished. But thisonly made her feel more embarrassed. She shot Remington an annoyed glance. "Can't you mind thesetting? You used to be so different!"

Back in the day, he was aloof, barely even willing to kiss her on their wedding day. Now, it seemed likehe had turned into a kissing fiend, ready to lean in for a kiss at any moment. Lizetta then rememberedthe teasing remarks the clerks had made about her.

"Don't like me this way?" His voice, rough and close, whispered as he pecked her lips again, his eyesnarrowing slightly as he gazed at her, as if to catch her reaction.

Lizetta, cheeks aflame, shyly wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss, saying, "I dolike it, just not used to, you know, in front of others. They were teasing me just now." "How were theyteasing you?"

"They said you must really love me a lot, caring so much about my comfort."

Lizetta looked into Remington's eyes, her heart racing uncontrollably.

Did he love her? She never dared to ask, and he had never said it outright, not even a simple "I likeyou".

But lately, he had changed a lot, showing care, sharing his thoughts, refusing to let her go, his kissespassionate, sometimes even showing jealousy.

Lizetta felt that even if it wasn't love, there was definitely affection. She hoped to hear a confirmationfrom him.

Even if he just told her he liked her, she would unhesitatingly tell him how much she loved him, how herlove had never wavered over the years.

But Remington merely kissed her forehead and gently turned her around. He wrapped his arms aroundher from behind, and Lizetta then saw a large mirror in front of them. Their embracing figures wereclearly visible. Remington leaned in, his chin grazing the top of Lizetta's head as he spoke, "Look atyou, aren't you a beautiful sight?"

Lizetta saw her reflection in a pristine white wedding gown, truly stunning. She also saw theundisguised admiration in Remington's eyes. And their posture, so intimately entwined. Yet, a shadowseemed to fall over her heart. At this moment, she remembered in Barbara's hospital room when shereached for Remington's hand, and he instinctively pulled away.

Was he deflecting now? No, he probably just didn't understand her anticipation, thinking she was justmaking conversation.

Lizetta, not wanting to leave it at that, decided to be even more direct, "Remington, look me in the eyesand answer me, do you..."novelbin

Lizetta gazed at the man in the mirror who was behind her; but before she could finish, his phone rang.He immediately released her to check it, telling Lizetta.

"The dress is perfect; let's go with this one. I'll have Sophia come to finalize your measurements. I needto take this call."

With a pat on her head, he turned and walked downstairs, phone to his ear.

Lizetta stood there, watching his retreating figure, suddenly feeling the warmth of the store wasn'tenough; she felt a chill.

She hugged herself, a surge of boldness prompting her to consider snatching his phone away. Shewanted to ask him, was that call really so urgent, or was her question just too hard for him to answer?Lizetta lifted her gown's hem.

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