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Chapter 383

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 383 The Snake Of The Pack

Author’s POV:

“F*uc*k!” she grunted as she sat down and frowned to herself.

Her body had turned weak in the last few months, and her eyes had a dark circle around them. It’s

been a year and more since she left the pack, and here she was, waiting impatiently.

Title of the document

“I have been trying this for so long—,” she muttered as she glared at the ealendar in her hand, handed

over to her by the old lady.

“So, the 16th full moon is tonight,” she said as she counted on the calendar.

“I hope it works, or else I’m dead,” she grunted, rubbing her hand over her stomach as she heard a


“How long can one rely on fruits?” She rolled her eyes while looking at the trees around her.

“But I must stay focused. Once I do this, I’ll befriend the most powerful weredragons and be ready to

take back a life of luxury,” she giggled to herself as she rested her back against the tree and kept

staring at the void.

What seemed like nothing was a door to the weredragon land. The whole land disappeared alter the

ritual was done. But she was here to free them, to release them to the world again.

“Huh! They have no idea what is coming for them,” a little snicker left her lips while she zoned out once

again, “Beatrice!” she muttered under her breath.

“I’m sure she knows all the truth now. I mean, I did hear all the news on the TV before coming here

again,” she uttered and shrugged.

She would come back here every once in a while just to make sure she didn’t forget about this route.

She would hide in the neighbouring rogue neighbourhoods before returning to the Midwest and to this

specific area.

“I wonder how she reacts when she finds out I was never her mother,” Scarlet mumbled to herself,

stroking her chin. Her only regret was that she couldn’t stay longer in the pack to see the demise of

Vasquez and the tall of Sofia. She heard about the death of Varisha as well, and it brought peace to her


After thinking about all that for a while, she brought out the tiny bottle containing the blood of Gwen’s


“They used their blood to conceal this place. Here I am, using it to open this cage on the 16th full

moon,” she said. The ritual wasn’t hard, but it took time to open the door. She had to first sprinkle the

blood here and then wait for 16 full moons before she repeated the process and the door opened.

She was optimistic.

“Ah! That night was beautiful. Such a stupid girl, Beatrice, was to send me downstairs to search for

Elex’s stuff,” she giggled to herself as she remembered finding this bottle.

Gwen’s parents had already given their blood to Vasquez as a promise to never disappoint him when

the war started. Scarlet didn’t expect to find it, but when she did, she was ecstatic.

Along with the blood, she found something else.

“And this!” she then smirked as she waved the pendant in the air.

“I found everything I needed that night,” she smiled comfortably.

Thinking about all the happy days and how she will make use of the weredragons, Scarlet fell asleep

and woke up to the night of the full moon.

“Aaaaaah!” she yawned to the beautiful sky and then grabbed the bottle tightly in her palms, ready to

free the creatures that hold the power to her better future.

“I hope this works out well,” she said as she opened the cork and started sprinkling the blood

everywhere on that particular area where she had showered the blood before.

“Now what?” she asked herself, staring into the empty’ space.

“Do I have to wait for another day or the full moon?” She sighed and threw her hands down in


“Does it even work?” She grunted angrily and sat down on the ground. “If it didn’t work, I am pretty

much doomed. I don’t have another door left to knock on. I will die here from starvation and cold,” she

complained after realizing she could not keep hiding in the villages. The word will get out soon, andnovelbin

somebody will catch her and hand her over to the alpha king brothers. With all that running through her

head, she dozed off again.

She had been so tired that she slept for hours until morning arrived, and then she woke up to an


“Ahhh! What is happening?” She jolted awake and gasped, looking around and gulping.

“What is going on?” Her heart had never pumped this hard, not even when she used to sleep with the

alphas and suggest that they kill their babies.

Especially that one time when she slept with Winchester and told him she was a seer. His daughters

were only a day old. and she had told Winchester that if one of them killed the other, he would find a

well of gold. She used to say all the nonsense that would make her happy.

“Oh, My goodness!” Her jaw hung low when her eyes shimmered at the appearing city that had once

vanished. She couldn’t believe she was there to witness it happen. Everything began to appear—the

buildings and the roads.

There were people in black uniforms looking around in confusion. She knew it worked. She had freed

the whole dragon kingdom.

“That is it!” she said, “I DID IT. I FREED YOU ALL,” she yelled, getting the attention of those who never

thought they would be able to see sun again. All they have ever seen was darkness in all these years.

“TELL YOUR KING AND QUEEN, I DID IT. I FREED YOU ALL,” she then straightened her back

proudly and announced. The people were shocked but happy.

For a few minutes, nobody even moved. They were still under the misconception that maybe they were

dreaming like they had dreamed about getting their freedom back every day.

“All haha!” Scarlet clapped happily and dance, “I did it,” she was ecstatic, happily marching among the

frozen people, who still didn’t know how to react when a guy in uniform stopped her arm and said, “You

have to come with me to the king.”

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