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Chapter 353

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 353 – Time To Tell The Truth

“That is—,” Akin, who already showed extreme regret about never catching their parents, looked even

ashamed this time.

“You know how they did it? My sister— put pressure on my low—,” she paused as the details were too


“Anyway, I woke up days later to find out I had been accused of using my unborn baby to create the

villains. So I couldn’t even put forward a complaint about my sister k*illing my baby. I was devastated

and hated it when they got married while I was in the torture cell and getting interrogated. So, that day

—I made a promise. I dug up my dead baby’s body and promised to serve him justice,” there was a

twisted smile on her lips as she recalled what she had done.

Title of the document

“What did you do?” I asked. “I created the villains and the heroes, just like they said,” her claim brought

shivers down many people’s spines.

“I did the ritual to wake them up, and they woke up. All of them,” she said, with a wide smile on her lips.

I couldn’t believe she went this far with her revenge.

But it was obvious that she had lost her mind when they did all those things to her.

“And everything just began on its own from there,” she shrugged when trying to tell us everything else

happening around is not her fault.

But I had a question for her: why was I the mistress?

“The ritual helped create a beautiful scenario of villains and heroes. Now all I have to do is sit and

watch the world burn,” she pretended to sit and looked around while a grin appeared on her lips. I have

never seen someone this sanely insane.novelbin

“And you think you won’t burn with it?” Helel growled, folding his muscular arms on his chest.

“Oh, I will, but so will you all,” she hunched ahead and whispered before laughing manically.

“So take me to wherever you want. I will always be free now,” her faith wasn’t in herself but in someone

who was helping her.

“Who are you working for?” Akin grasped a fistful of her hair and stretched her neck back, glaring into

her eyes.

“Young Alpha King—,” she snickered, “you are rough!”

Her comment compelled Reign and me to squint our noses and look away for a split second. The way

she glared at his lips was just as disgusting.

“YOU HAVE NO IDEA,” by no means was what Akin said seduction. He meant torture, but obviously,

Huia giggled. She was his aunt and purposely making him uncomfortable.

“The mistress of doomsday,” it was weird when Dream yelled that name. My body was visibly startled,

but thankfully, all eyes were on her.

I was watching her face in fear and wondering if she knew about me.

It was those few seconds when I started questioning my decision-making skills. Shouldn’t I have been

the one to tell the brothers? Because now they will think I was hiding this information and probably

secretly planning something against them.

As everyone kept their focus on her, she mumbled, “I’m the mistress of doomsday,” completely


The yelps were so loud that I felt my heart dropping in my chest. I was instantly turning my neck around

to see the reactions.

Or, in specifics, to see how they will react to the term. “You are—,” Helel stepped forward, but Maddox

held his hand to stop him.

“What makes you think you are the mistress of doomsday?” Zane asked in confusion.

I managed to sneak eye contact with Colt. He looked certain that Dream had a misunderstanding. I, on

the other hand, wanted it to be anyone but me. And maybe that itself was proof that I’m that evil


“Huia told me everything about me,” Dream answered, and it made me wonder why Huia would lie to


Everyone’s eyes focused on Huia, who started chuckling and then eventually began to laugh manically.

The look on Dream’s face was evidence of the horror she felt.

“You told me, right? You told me the truth, right?” Dream started nagging her. I could tell whatever

Dream did was because she wanted to accept her fate.

“Do you think you can ever be that special?” Huia’s left lip curled upward to form a very evil smirk, “you

will always be the dull twin of the white seer werewolf,”

Huia announced when exposing more of her evilness.

“You f*uc*king lied to me,” Dream screamed and tried to hit her, but Helel wrapped his arms around her

back and pulled her to the side, pushing her to the ground and standing beside her.

“You are dying to be an evil entity, aren’t you?” he yelled at her for siding with Huia.

“I didn’t k—now. I was alone while you all were f*uc*king having meetings— discussions. I felt left out,”

she screamed, but when Helel raised his hand to hit her, Reign rushed and kneeled before her to save


Helel had already stopped his hand in the mid-air. His eyes were sparking red, and his jaw was

clenching at her sight.

“Ah! Fight! Fight!” Huia clapped her hands before Zane grasped her by her hair and shoved her in the


“Let’s take this filth to the prison first,” he told Helel, who nodded. The two were left in the car, while we

were left behind with Dream, who looked lost for some reason. Although Reign was constantly

reminding us that Dream didn’t actually hurt anyone, the look of guilt on Dream’s face was telling


“You are innocent,” Reign turned and cupped her sister’ s face in her hands when reminding her of that.

“Let’s go home and talk about what we need to do next,” Akin sighed, sparing a glance at my face.

Others started getting into the car, but I was left behind with Akin.

“I need to talk to you about something,” I murmured, slowing down so that I was left behind with him.

“Yes?” Akin turned, facing me. It was so hard to look into his eyes and tell him who I was.

“I am—” I stuttered.

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