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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 106

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 106 – The One Who k*ill The Brothers

I stayed in my room and left to sit in the car with Akin after it was school time. Even Zane was in the car

with us that day. The two spoke about the trip to the mountains in the west, and I could tell Akin wasn’t

happy that Zane made the decision without even speaking to his brothers first.

“I will be at work till late, so Zane, she is your responsibility, okay?” As we were about to get out of the

car, Akin spoke to Zane, who rolled his eyes and nodded reluctantly.

“Beatrice!” I then heard Akin call for me. “Don’t bring any complaints home,” he added, and this time, I

rolled my eyes at him.

Title of the document

“Okay, Papa!” I joked with a straight face, helping him realize he wasn’t my daddy. After I walked into

the building, I approached the stairs to avoid being in the elevator with Zane, who hadn’t let me use

them with him last time anyway.

“Why are you taking the stairs?” Zane spoke when I was already climbing the stairs. I didn’t respond to

him like I had earlier. I have decided to not respond to anyone until and unless it is something decent

they want to talk about with me.

Once we were in the cla*s*s, I saw Zane sitting at the end with an empty seat. This was my seat, but I

wasn’t feeling like sitting with him. If I sit with him and later sneak out, he will notice that I am gone. My

mind was entirely focused on what to do when somebody bumped me and knocked the book out of my


“Watch yourself,” the girl with red hair grunted, sitting down in the front seat. I promise I have not seen

her before.

“Here!” Another girl, who looked much like her but with hazel eyes, grabbed the book from the floor and

handed it to me.

I grabbed the book and watched her look around for a spot.

“Why don’t you sit there?” I asked her as I pointed at my seat. Zane saw us and frowned at what I was


“But where would you sit?” she asked with a meek smile. on her lips. I was getting a lot of positive

vibes from her, and just like the other girl, I had never seen this one before either.

“I will grab the chair from the hallway,” I lied, laughing uncomfortably.

“Are you sure?” she asked, and I nodded, pushing her over to the seat. She sat down while Zane

started using his phone aggressively.

By the time I had walked out of the room, pretending to grab a chair, I received a call from Zane. So, he

was calling me with so much anger and aggression?

“Hm?” I had to attend the call to stop him from walking out after me.

“What was that? What kind of childish games are you playing?” He seemed furious but was trying to

keep his tone down to prevent the girl from hearing him. I bet she was able to hear him just fine.

“Zane! Focus on your studies.” I hung up and bit my tongue. He must be so angry with me. That’s when

I found the history teacher approaching the room, and the reminder of the last time flashed before my

memory. I felt so dirty for letting Zane have s*e*x with me, only to have him mock me later.

“Hi!” I greeted him as he scanned me from head to toe.

“Why are you not in the room?” he asked, fixing his glass- es on his nose’s bridge.

“I was not feeling well. I feel like I am going to throw up anytime now. Maybe I ate too much before

coming here.” I pretended to be sick, rubbing my stomach and then gagging dryly.

“Yeah! Don’t come to my cla*s*s like that. Sit over here and return when you feel better,” he pulled

away from me when he thought I was going to puke on him. I nodded and sat down in the hallway whilenovelbin

he entered the room.

We were obviously not the type of students he would keep in the school. So, the instant he was out of

my sight, I booked to the elevator.

My heart was pounding hard in my chest this whole time, thinking about sneaking out into the

murderous woods.

However, nobody was around to catch me, so I left the building and sprinted into the woods without

getting into trouble. I did receive some text messages from Zane, but I didn’t have time or energy to

argue with him, so I shoved my phone back in my bag without opening his messages.

“Hey!” I saw Colt and I rushed into my steps to check on him when he tripped on the ground. “Oh, my

God! Your wounds are bad.” I sat down with him, watching all the stab wounds in his body.

“It is fine. I will heal in some time,” he sighed, resting his back against the wall. I cannot believe he

stayed in the woods in this state.

“Let me clean them first.” I grabbed some ointments and bandages while giving him the sandwich and

the beer can I brought for him. He didn’t waste a minute before chugging the beer down his throat.

“Why don’t you transition and heal?” I asked, applying aid to his n*ake*d chest as he left the shirt and

the jacket open for

“I cannot risk revealing my ident*ity before I find Destiny!” he said in a murmur, calming down after the

entire process of taking care of the wounds was done.

“Why are you looking for her?” I asked, and a smile covered his lips.

“I have some questions to ask her,” he said, straightening his posture to get on his feet with me.

“What questions?” I was curious to learn more about weredragons because I didn’t know much about


“Are you forgetting something?” He halted in his steps and turned around to ask me.

“Oh! I have to tell you something,” I recalled why I was so panicky last night and it made him smile,

“Gwen! Remember that girl who is staying with us?” I asked, and he nodded.

“The one you hate?” he asked, and I grunted at him.

“She is a weredragon!” The moment I finished, his jaw met the floor.

“And she has made the brothers fall for her. Ring any bells?” I said, watching horror take over his face

in a slowmo.

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