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Chapter 2150

Lin Mu had Longgui Bulwark Armor, and swung Afternoon Pine nonstop, trying to get all the bombs away from them.Since they were coming in from three directions, he had to use wide arcs, but the others were also helping him block them.~SHUA~SHUA~

Lady Kang extended her palms side ways, as two star shields flew out. They hovered along their sides, and either blocked theincoming elemental bombs or deflected them away.

Ziran and Elder Hu were blocking the elemental bombs falling from the roof. The elf grew out long vines on his hand which heused to swat the bombs, while Elder Hu simply punched them all away.

This left Min Ju, who took care of any elemental bombs that were missed in all this."Just a bit more!" Lin Mu said, as he soon saw the end of the area.

The group had already been walking for over an hour now, and it head become a matter of endurance. Thankfully, it was nowcoming to and end.


Just a minute later, the group landed on trap-less floor, making them relieved.~THUD~ THUD~

Just a minute later, the group landed on trap-less floor, making them relieved.~huu~

"That was certainly nerve wracking." Lin Mu said as he looked back. There were still some elemental bombs flying around, butnone of them came to the area they were in now. It was clear that the formation controlling them had an area limitation.

"It was indeed a bit exhausting." Ziran nodded before flicking his wrist towards the flying elemental bombs.~TWANG~

Athin vine extended from his hand and wrapped around one of the bombs before pulling it back. "Won't it explore?" Min Juquestioned.novelbin

“No, it won't." Lin Mu answered, having understood their working.

Ziran took hold of the elemental bomb and traced over the fine patterns carved on it. He then used his nails to pry open thebomb from a thin crevice on its center.


The metal bent a bit before the two halves of the bomb popped open.“Huh... Gnomish mechanism?" Ziran said upon seeing the interior."Gnomish? You mean the race of Gnomes?" Lin Mu asked.

He had read about the small race and knew that they were experts at engineering. If there was one race that could matchDwarves at making artifacts, it was none other than the Gnome race.

Though of course, Lin Mu had never seen a Gnome before and had only read about them.

"Yeah, this is definitely a Gnomish design." Ziran confirmed. "Gnomes and bombs go hand in hand. I've seen similar designsbefore." He added.

"That's quite strange for Gnomish designs to be used here." Lady Kang spoke. "Why would the Celestial use that?" shewondered.

"It's hard to tell what the Celestial might have been thinking. But it looks like they certainly wanted great variety in theirinheritance ground." Ziran answered. "Though there is always a chance that Gnomes might have assisted in the making of thisinheritance ground too." He added.

“Are there Gnomes in this part of the Immortal realm?" Lin Mu questioned.

“Not in this region, no." Ziran shook his head. "Though there is a small world with Gnomes living in it about eight Solar Systemsaway." He stated.

"Huh... So they might have a hand in this?" Lin Mu wondered.

"There is a slight chance. Though considering this is a celestial's treasures they wouldn't be restrained to just this part of theImmortal realm. If they wished for it, they can get the Grandmaster Gnomish Engineers from anywhere in the entire Immoralrealm to help them make the celestial inheritance ground. I'm sure many of them would jump at the opportunity and might evendo it for free." Ziran answered, showing that he knew a lot about the Gnomes.

"What does this say for our trials here?" Elder Hu asked the crucial question.

"Well... Its both good and bad." Ziran answered. "It's good that there are Gnomes involved in this, which means there will bebalance in this trial. They won't be unfair. But what's also bad about it is that the Gnomes can make some really nasty traps.What we've seen so far is merely the tip of the iceberg." He stated.

Hearing that, the group became a bit more wary.

“Maybe it's just this area. Perhaps the next area will be different." Lin Mu said before opening the gate.

He hadn't sensed anything behind this door with his Spatial sense, and it seemed to be the most 'calm' one.~CREAK~

Once the door was open, there was no surprise.

In fact, they could actually see what was behind the door now. The darkness had been replaced by proper illumination.“Huh... you really were right." Ziran who could see the next area, was surprised.

Instead of traps and mechanismshidden in the dark, what stood infront of them was one

lithe few Sab lstone walls.These stone walls were spaced in themiddle of the hall at equal distancesand seemed to have some symbolswritten on them. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"Dao Script... Yeah, this isn't Gnomish design." Lin Mu said as he stepped inside.

Ziran checked the formation screen of the Glass eye and didn't find any concerning Immortal Qi flows. In fact, the only ImmortalQi he could see flowing was in the small stone walls.

"A Dao Puzzle." Lady Kangrecognized it. Lin Mu heard her wordsand couldn't help but take a YORElook at egal was He read eachoF tte symbols and realized that theindividual symbols didn't make anysense. But if they combined two ormore of them together, they suddenlymade words. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Let's see... This shouldn't be hard." Lin Mu quickly read all the stone walls and a solution formed in his head.

He touched one of the symbols andsaw that they were carved onindividual tiles that Ykeel) rfoved. "So |just\ha tS move these in the rightposition.’ Lin Mu understood and didexactly that. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


Lin Mu's hands moved like a blur as he solved the puzzle within ten seconds.

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