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Chapter 2143

Lin Mu could tell that Ziran really thought well of his friend and wished to see him."What was his name?" Lin Mu questioned. "Maybe I'll find some information about him." He added.“His name was Sanga, but he was also known as the Iron Blooded Colossus." Ziran answered.

“Hmm, I'll remember that." Lin Mu memorized it while also trying to see if he could recall the name. ‘Doesn't seem like a nameI've heard before at least.’ He thought.

"Well, rather than the name | think it'll be easier for you to spot him by his appearance. He stands out in the crowd really well."Ziran said with a chuckle.

"I'm guessing he's really big from his title?" Lin Mu replied.

"That is an understatement." Ziran replied. "Sanga was originally a human born in a barbarian tribe in some mortal world. But hewas born with a natural strength that allowed him to rule his tribe and eventually the entire region. He didn't want to be limited tothat though and sought out ways to increase his strength.

He trained nonstop, using various methods known and unknown. He almost killed himself doing this, and came close to dyingmany times. His body had almost given up too until he seemingly gained enlightenment on the verge of death andcomprehended a body cultivation technique. This was when he truly embarked on the real path of cultivation and became a bodycultivator." He explained.

Lin Mu found it very interesting, especially considering that Sanga had come from a mortal world like him too."Sanga is usually ten meters tall and has blonde hair. So spotting him shouldn't be a problem." Ziran revealed."Ten meters tall... No wait, what do you mean by ‘usually’?" Lin Mu sensed something strange.

"The Body cultivation technique that Sanga uses is called as the Plane Crush Colossus Technique. It is said that at its peak, onecan grow as big as the sky and crush an entire plane." Ziran answered surprising Lin Mu greatly. "As such, in his usual formSanga would be ten meters tall. But if he's actively using the technique, he'll be a lot taller than that." He added.

"Whoa... even with Ten Meters size he'd be bigger than a lot of beasts.” Lin Mu said feeling awed. "And he can grow evenbigger... The Plane Crush Colossus Technique really seems to be amazing.” He added.

"It is." Ziran nodded.

“How did Sanga find the technique though?" Lin Mu asked. "Even he doesn't know." Ziran replied. "Sanga seeminglycomprehended it out of nowhere. But he did say that on the precipice of his death he felt something change in his body. We hada faint hunch that it might just be a bloodline memory being unlocked." He explained.

"| see... Still for him to comprehend a great technique is his own great fortune." Lin Mu stated ~shua~shua~shua~Just as they had finished talking though, the sound of several niches being filled was heard."We are ready, Daoist Mu Lin." Crown Prince Feng Shun called them.

"Ah, let's go. We shouldn't leave the others waiting.” Ziran replied and placed the five jade slips he had picked out in the lastremaining niche.


As soon as he did that, the membrane appeared on the niche showing that it had been filled. The five grey crystals on top of theniche also lit up, showing that it was satisfactory.


Acouple of seconds later, Lin Mu could sense the immortal Qi shifting within the pillar.

"It's going to activate!" Lin Mu informed them as soon as he felt the change in the Immortal Qi.~HUALA~

And sure enough, a few seconds later the teleportation circles all lit up.

A few runes also appeared in the air, spelling a couple of words.

‘Reward Period is now over.’

They know knew for sure that their guesses had been correct and that they needed to select the jade slips to progress. "Time togo to the next trial." Lin Mu said as he took his place in one of the teleportation circles. He also activated his Spatial Perception

to observe where everyone would go. Next to him stood Lady Kang and Ziran, while the Crown Prince was on the opposite sidealong with Crown Princess Shang and Daoist Chu.

The rest of the group filled on the remaining spots and the teleportation finally started.~HONG~

Their bodies disappeared into the bright teleportation channel and were quickly sent through them. Lin Mu kept his eyes openthrough this all and saw that they were being carried quite far through this teleportation.

‘| can't see the end of this Channel... What is the third trial going to be like?’ Lin Mu wondered.

He observed the others and saw that they were being carried at the same pace and were visible for most of the time. Theteleportation lasted more than fifteen seconds, which was quite long compared to others times, showing that they were indeedtraveling a large distance.

It wasn't until at the very end of the teleportation did Lin Mu find themselves getting split again. ‘We're getting split in two groupsthis time.’ Lin Mu noticed the ten channels diverging to two gates.

~SHUA~SHUA~A few moments later, Lin Mu felt his vision turning blank before a new place materialized around him.He quickly spread his Immortal sense to get an assessment of the new place, and also to see who had arrived with him.novelbin

‘Lady Kang, Min Ju, Ziran, Elder Ho and me... So the division was roughly based on how we stood on the gates." Lin Muunderstood. "Oh? What's these?" Ziran said looking at the object in his hand.

It was then Lin Mu realized that he was also holding something in his hand. "It's those grey crystals..." Lin Mu muttered,recognizing them. Though unlike before, the grey crystal weren't dull. They had brightened up and there was a faint glow withinthem. The others noticed the crystal in their hands too looked at them.

“Looks like this is our reward." Ziran said, having checked the crystal with his Immortal sense.~CRACK~And a second after he did that, one of the crystals in his hand shattered before turning to dust.

The number of crystals they had in their hands also corresponded to the number of techniques they had picked out. Ziran hadfive in his hand, while others one or two.


Lin Mu, who scanned the crystal in his hand, felt new information pouring into his mind. 'So these are the full parts of the Qiskills.’ Lin Mu felt like he could almost use them.

If what was in the jade slips earlier was just some description of the Qi skills and technique, Lin Mu now had the full mnemonicand details of them in his mind now.


And sure enough, a second later a black sphere appeared above his hand. It looked to be rather sticky and radiated some heatfrom it.

"They are easy enough to grasp." Lin Mu muttered.

This was none other than the FootSwallowing Tar Bomb that Lin Muhad selected from dist Fhe 111Cc rentisphere fort was what itlooked like when activated normally,but Lin Mu was sure it would bedifferent when he used it withWonder Seeker. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

~CRACK~CRACK~The others also finished using their crystals, making all of them shatter."Though this complicates things a bit... Transcribing this won't be easy." Lin Mu stated.

"| guess there was a reason it gave the reward in the form of these crystals instead of the normal jade slips." Ziran replied. "It's asafety feature to prevent others from robbing you of it right away." He added.

"These crystals were a lot more efficient than a jade slip too." Lady Kang spoke. "They're definitely not normal memory crystals."She added.

In her mind, the worth of the crystalswas decently high too, as they couldbe used in many ways. It could

used to keep informatio dagee aswellias Seciently transferinformation. Jade slips wereconvenient but took some time toread through, unlike these crystalsthat quickly injected the informationinto their minds. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Looks like Crown Prince and Daoist Chu will have quite some work on their hands later." Lin Mu stated.


Aminute after they had finished chatting through, a bunch of runes appeared in front of them signaling the start of the trial."Reach the end.’ "That's straightforward." Min Ju looked at the words.

“Perhaps not." Elder Hu said, looking ahead of them.

They stood in a hall that was lit up bysome formations and an darkcorridor was ahe choftherd. watwasstrange Was t at one could notscan it with their immortal sense, asa barrier prevented it fromprogressing. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"They want us to go in blind... Seems like this trial is going to be a bit more risky." Ziran muttered before taking out something."But that doesn't mean we should take the risks blindly too."

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