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Chapter 2098

The colossal Lava Slug was no longer as colossal as before. From its original 200 meter size, it had now fallen to just under ahundred meters. This was something that would still be hard to cut apart with normal skills, as the beast would be able toregenerate it. Plus it was still enough space to move its energy cores around. And now that it was smaller in size, the Lava Slugwas able to prevent Lin Mu from getting in too. It was clear that having a smaller body meant that it could control it a lot bettertoo. But Lin Mu didn't care about that, because he had skills that could take care of it regardless. ~nhuu~ Lin Mu took a deepbreath as he pulled his right fist back. He stood in a horse stance while energies began to swim in his arm. 'Five percent shouldbe enough for this try,’ Lin Mu judged and guided metal elemental immortal Qi from his Dantian into his arm. ~SHUA~ The metalelemental immortal Qi glowed in a yellow light, and was met with a stream of rich vital essence. The two streams of energy spunin a spiral and started to coalesce. But just as they where half way to merging, two more streams of energy appeared! The twostreams of energy were the same as before, one being metal elemental immortal Qi and the other being vital essence. The twonew streams of energy also started to spin and came close together before reaching the state of coalescing.~WOOM~WOOM-~WOOM- And as the energies spun, the air around Lin Mu started to pulse with power. But it was not done yet,the four streams of energies successfully merged into two streams of energy which continued to spin. But they weren't spinningtogether! Instead, they were spinning in the opposite directions. One was spinning in a clockwise direction and the other wasspinning in a counter-clockwise direction. ~HUMM-~ The spin of the two streams of energies reached an equilibrium and theirpace matched. ‘Ahh... It is definitely harder than the original method... But since it has come this far, it should work.’ Lin Muthought to himself. He was trying something he had hypothesized a while back and reckoned it was the right time to try it. Sincethe enemy in front of him was something that could regenerate and ignore most injuries, he knew he had to take it out in one go.As such he decided to use his strongest skill that could devastate a target... And then take it to a next level! "HAAAH!" Veinsbulged out on Lin Mu's arm as the spiraling energy streams started to come close. The closer they got, the greater pressure LinMu faced. The sheer amount of energy swirling within his hand was enough to injure even himself if he were to lose focus evenfor a moment. Even though the enemy was right in front of him and could attack him, Lin Mu didn't fear it. Instead, he felt a kindof excitement that could only be felt by risking ones life. And it was this very excitement that was now allowing him to take thenext step in the technique had had obtained a long time ago. An incomplete technique that only had its first stage. The BoulderCollapsing Fist. ‘Even if | don't have the next part of it, it doesn't mean | can't just make it myself!’ Lin Mu said to himself and beton it. "MERGE!" ~HONG~ At his command, the two spiraling streams of energy came together, and fluidly combined turning intoa helix structure! The opposite spinning streams formed a double helix that continued to spin nonstop. But the energy comingfrom it was on a different level. It was greater than if one were to simply add the energy of the two basal energy streams. It hadgrown on a exponential level! It was as if one had mixed in two volatile compounds into a new mix that could explode with tentimes the power. Lin Mu's hand trembled nonstop, as the energy within it threatened to explode. "Hahaha! It works!" Lin Mu's bethad worked out as he felt the energy double helix within his arm. One half of it was yellow in color from the metal element whilethe other half was vibrant red in color from the immortal essence. And as the double helix spun, the two colors seemingly spun,as a spinning orange hue appeared! ~Rilllllllll~ The Colossal Lava Slug felt incredibly threatened by the energy coming form LinMu and decided to stop him before he could do anything. Both of its heads bulged, as a searing hot stream of lava was shot outof it. "Mu Lin!" Lady Kang shouted as she rushed to interrupt it. She knew that Lin Mu was in the process of readying a skill andgetting interrupted in the middle would be very very bad. ~ROAR~ Little Shrubby also rushed in, trying to block one of the heads.But they didn’t even move more than a couple of meters, before Lin Mu punched out. "Mountain Collapsing Fist: Third Form -Metal Devastator!" Lin Mu roared. ~WOONG~ A sound that was similar to an elastic band being pulled was heard, as a vibrantorange double helix was shot out of Lin Mu's arm. The double helix emitted powerful pulses of energy such that the groundunderneath it started to crumble and turn to dust. And when it went over the lava, the lava simply started to split apart. "This..."Lady Kang felt and incredibly high threat from the double helix that was filled with such a volatile energy that she reckoned herdefenses might break apart too. ~SWOOSH~ Little Shrubby could sense the threat much better than Lady Kang and judged it tobe much more dangerous than when Lin Mu had used Boulder Collapsing Fist's third form earlier. He could already tell that theymight get injured in the recoil as such burst forward with great force, carrying Lady Kang away from the area. ~KABOOM~The content is on NovelDrama.Org! Read the latest chapter there!novelbin

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