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Chapter 2088

"What's this?" Lin Mu questioned, seeing the scroll. The scroll was made out of high quality paper and was emitting faint wavesof immortal Qi.

“Our business agreement. You can read it and sign it." Lady Kang answered. "It mentions the amount, and the profits that wouldbe offered to you." "Ah yes," Lin Mu replied before reading the document.

The document stated that there were exactly three thousand two hundred and thirteen liters of Pure Petrichor Cave Milk that wasin Lin Mu's share, including the one liter that he had taken separately. It was stated that the share would be handled by the GreatKang Auction house and be sold according to their plans, while the profit would be remitted to Lin Mu.

For everything, 1.5% commission would usually be taken by Lin Mu, but due to the unique circumstance where they simplywould not have been able to find the Pure Petrichor Cave Milk, Lady Kang reverted that to 0%. As such, it would basically be afree sale.

There were a few more conditions also written on the document, such as what would happen if they were unable to pay or whatkind of payment Lin Mu wanted. He could take it in Immortal stones, cultivation resources, or even in cultivation techniques orspecial services that he might need.

Among the payment terms, there was a specific one that made Lin Mu halt."Wait... | can get paid in terms of... A country?" Lin Mu's eyes narrowed.

"It's the same as getting paid in terms of land, but in this case they are actual countries." Lady Kang replied. "Fallen or capturednations are sold through our auction house too." She added.

“Huh... never seen that before." Lin Mu blinked at it a few times, comprehending it. "What kind of countries are they, though?" heasked.

“All kinds. Mortal as well as immortal ones included. Their prices vary accordingly and every country has its own unique conditionfor sale." Lady Kang replied. "| see... Do people really buy entire countries like this?" Lin Mu questioned.

"It is quite a popular option actually, since it is an investment that can generate more income for them in the long term." LadyKang answered. "At least among the wealthy individuals, buying and selling a few countries isn't uncommon." She said.

"There are even immortals that turn it into a full blown business. They go to various worlds and conquer lands before establishingtheir rule and declaring it a nation. Once they gain recognition from the Immortal Court, they gain a standing.

After that, they were fully free to sell it if they wish to do so. Several strong immortals do this, and have gained a massive fortuneby selling them." Lady Kang explained in detail.

"That's... something.” Lin Mu didn't know what to think of it.

While Lin Mu knew very well that most Immortals had the strength to establish dynasties, not many would actually do that, as itwas a complex and difficult affair. They would have to deal with opposition from other immortals as well as various powers thatwould not wish for a new kingdom to rise.

Not to mention, doing it in an already established immortal world was something that would gain them thousands of enemiesfrom everywhere. They would have to do this on a Mortal world, or a new world that hadn't fully reached the realm of cultivation.

But those options weren't exactly profitable. At least not if it was just going to be a world of Spirit realm cultivators. Unless onewas able to elevate it to the level of an Immortal world, even selling it would be difficult as not many were interested in obtainingMortal worlds.

The only ones that usually did something like that were actually sects that recruited fresh blood from mortal worlds. While mortalworlds were weak, they were also the cradles of new talent. Diamonds might be rare, but when one had an entire world toharvest them from, they became more common. As such, sects could cherry pick talented individuals from mortal worlds theyowned, and the nurture them.

Not only would this make those individuals highly loyal to the sect, but it would allow them to reach peaks they would never beable to do on their own.

While Lin Mu was thinking all this though, Lady Kang spoke up.

“Well, do you want to be a king? We have several countries on sale right now," Lady Kang suddenly asked. "You can be the kingof an Immortal country for the low price of a Three Hundred Million Immortal stones." She offered.

"Uhh..." Lin Mu had been successfully stunned by Lady Kang by just a few words.

It took him a minute to comprehend it all before he managed to reply.

"| think I'll pass on that offer." Lin Mu replied. "Would be too much work." He added."Fair." Lady Kang replied."Though... just to be curious, what kind of immortal country is it?" Lin Mu asked as he didn't know how to judge the sale price.

"It's a fallen country that has beenruined by thirty thousand years ofconflict in an Immortal world locatedin the territory gftheXsodtHert?Iraniort St Gurt. Half of it is barren, aquarter of it is basically a battlefieldwith rest holding most of itspopulation." Lady Kang statedmethodically as if she hadmemorized it all a longtime ago. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

“And something like that is selling for three hundred million Immortal stones!?" Lin Mu was stunned.

"Of course. Even at the cheapest,most Immortal countries do not gofor less than a hundred million, mHantnrehn ch eee Se hate those that goforthat price are basically lifelessbarren lands with no humans living init anymore. You can consider themjust land at that point rather than aproductive nation. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!novelbin

One would not be a king with that.They would just be a landlord atmost. Though of goyrge) ofie@alt Stilbring athet people in and harvest theresources of the land, turning itprofitable eventually." Lady Kangexplained. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

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