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Chapter 2082

The Chasm beasts might have increased in strength, but their skills hadn't changed much. Their attack patterns were the sameand their responses were the same too. It was not hard for Lin Mu and Lady Kang to predict their reactions.

‘Even if the Chasm Beasts are equivalent to Fourth Tribulation Beasts, they are nowhere close to them in terms of skill.’ Lin Muthought. 'They are also lacking intelligence... similar to the ones | fought in the Land of Exile. If they had better intelligence, theymight have been able to adapt to our attacks too.’ He understood.

An immortal beast at the Fourth Tribulation Stage of the Immortal realm would basically have the same intelligence as that of ahuman. Thus, they could grow at the same rate as humans and adapt similarly. This was what made them so dangerous inaddition to their strength.

But the Chasm Beasts entirely lacked that.‘It's the same as fighting puppets...’ Lady Kang had similar thoughts as Lin Mu.

The two humans and two snakes fought the hoard of Chasm Beasts and it took them over an hour to kill them all. They also hadto use more of their stronger Qi skills, which used up more immortal Qi.

For the first time, the two were actually feeling a bit tired. Of course, their Immortal Qi stores were still high enough, but thatdidn't mean they couldn't perceive the fatigue. It was concerning, since they had no idea when this trial would stop.

‘There's no way this would continue till we encounter seventh Tribulation stage beasts, would it?’ Lady Kang thought to herself.‘No... even reaching the fifth Tribulation Stage of the Immortal realm would be stretching it. Especially if their numbers keep ongrowing.’ She reckoned.

Creating Thirty five thousand Chasm Beasts with the strength of the Fifth Tribulation Stage of the Immortal realm would have anincredible energy demand. And this was just in terms of them, there were still four more duos that were possibly undergoing thesame trial.

They didn't know how the other duos were faring. If the trial would really extend till the forty fifth round, there would be a total ofone hundred and seventy-five thousand Fifth Tribulation Stage Immortal Realm Chasm Beasts!

It was doubtful whether there were even that many human cultivators at that stage in the entire Rust Sky World!

Not to mention, the dark gas that the Chasm beasts were made out of was no longer being recycled. The twins were consumingit all without leaving much behind. This meant that the Inheritance ground was actually having a net loss that was growing byevery second.

With these thoughts in their mind, the group continued to battle through the rooms.

The time needed for them to clear out each room had reached almost two hours now, as they had to pace themselves a bit. Andwhen they reached the forty fourth room, it took them an entire three hours to clear it out.

~Haa~Lin Mu let out a breath, furrowing his brows.

"The next round will be the most difficult so far..." Lin Mu spoke. "If the trend stays the same, we might actually get injured." Hesaid honestly.

Even he wouldn't say that he had the full confidence of getting out unscathed from that many Chasm Beasts.“We'll have to get through it. We knew the Inheritance ground was going to be tough after all." Lady Kang replied."That is true... we'll see how it goes." Lin Mu said and took a deep breath.

He wondered if he should call out Little Shrubby too at this point.

The beast would certainly be of help with his speed and strength. It would also help split the load further.novelbin

‘If we really need it, I'll call him out.’ Lin Mu decided to see how it was first.

After all, if things were really difficult, he might have to get ready to escape too, and Little Shrubby would be crucial to that.~tremble~

The gate to the next room finally opened, and the time of reckoning arrived.

Lin Mu and Lady Kang walked through the threshold into the dark room, while holding their breath.

But after ten seconds passed, nothing happened.

"Huh?" Lin Mu raised a brow, finding it to be strange. ~Rumble~

Instead, a loud sound was heard before the entire room started to tremble. "This is different..." Lin Mu narrowed his eyes andspread his Immortal sense.

Lady Kang did the same and quickly realized that this room was much smaller than the previous ones. The room also didn't turnbright right away, like before showing that this round was going to be different.

‘The room is too small for a fight though... Just fifty meters.’ Lin Mu measured.

This made him think that perhaps it was not going to be what they had originally thought.


A few seconds later, the walls around them seemingly sunk into the ground, while the roof parted.Some light finally filled the place, revealing a new area.

"This..." Lin Mu looked up as a dark grey sky revealed itself to them.

There were no clouds in the sky, butit still seemed to be re Toes ivesno sun ogre the y either, thusithwas impossible to tell if it was dayor night. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

‘No wait, this is a Spatial Plane sothere is no concept of day or nig tinthe first place, Lin Mu@ougit beforedivertin fg attention to thecharacteristics of the area aroundhim. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Lin Mu and Lady Kang seem to bestanding on a fifty square metrysized signe dais wid the area pastithwas just simple ground filled withdirt and rocks. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Tall mountains could be seen in the distance, with a steep canyon behind them.~shua~

Runes appeared in front of them at this moment, spelling a few words.

‘Trial of Persistence has been completed.’ It was now that the two realized something.

"It wasn't forty five trials... it was just one trial."

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