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Chapter 1987

Lin Mu didn't even have to tell the twins what their task was.


The twins knew exactly what they had to do as soon as they sensed their prey... Wreak havoc.Which they did perfectly.

Now a three layered protection was formed for the little girl. Lin Mu protected her by staying close, Little Shrubby created aflaming barrier of death, while the Yin Yang Twin Serpents slaughtered the new wolves that were coming in from the distance.


And since the wolves around Lin Mu were all gone now, he took out Wonder Seeker and shot at the wolves from a distance.The number of wolves now became constant, as the influx of wolves matched the killing rate of Lin Mu and the beasts.~BOOM~BOOM~BOOM~

And now that there was enough distance between them, Lin Mu used stronger attacks with the bow. All the arrows he shot raineddown on the wolves and exploded like cannonballs, further thinning them down.



With the situation turning a bit safer, Ashy and the flying fox could finally approach Lin Mu.“Fluff-Flufft" The little girl shouted, seeing the fox.


The fox too cried and rushed into her arms.

"So you brought Big Brother here." The little girl understood.

"Your pet called for help." Lin Mu spoke, now that there was less pressure on him.

"Yeah! He did!" The girl said in a much better mood. "He's the best! He's smart and brave!"

Even though there were still wolves appearing, they were far enough that she didn't feel the threat. Especially with Lin Mu thereto protect her, she felt like no harm could come to her.

“But... why are you here?" Lin Mu finally asked the girl.

Realistically speaking, there was no reason a little girl like her should be in the forest, especially alone. Even if she had the flyingfox that was an immortal beast, it was not enough.

"She did have strong defensive immortal tools though... her background must be strong.’ Lin Mu reckoned.

"| was playing with fluff-fluff when the bad wolves suddenly appeared." The little girl replied.

“Playing in the forest?" Lin Mu didn't feel that was appropriate.

“No, | was playing in my garden. The bad wolves appeared there. | ran and ran, until | ended up here." The little girl replied.Hearing that, Lin Mu realized there was certainly something wrong with the Branch horned wolves.

"Since they appeared in her garden, which should have protection, there was definitely a security failure of some kind.’ Lin Muguessed it was either a barrier failing or the girl wandering past the limits.

Whatever it might be, Lin Mu knew he'll have to check it later.

"Who are you, big brother?" The girl asked, feeling curious. "Do you work in the manor, too? Did daddy or mommy send you?""I'm Mu Lin, and | don't know about the manor. | wasn't sent by your parents.” Lin Mu denied.

"So you're Big Brother Mu Lin! I'm Meihua!" She introduced herself.

"Good to meet you, Meihua. But can you tell me if you can contact your parents somehow?" Lin Mu asked, hoping that the girlhad some emergency token that might have informed her family.

"Yes! | used the bracelet mommy gave me." Meihua said, raising her hand and showing the tool.

Lin Mu briefly scanned it and quickly figured out it was the exact thing he was hoping for.

"So her family should be alerted already. Hopefully, they are on their way here.’ Lin Mu thought to himself.He didn't know who the girl's family was, but he did have a good guess.

‘The only place close to this part of the Evergreen Pillars Forest would be... the Morning Glory clan.’ Lin Mu hadn't seen anyother settlement nearby, and it was unlikely the girl could have come from too far.

After all, she was not an immortal and wouldn't be able to move that fast.

‘No, wait... what is her cultivation base?’ Lin Mu furrowed his brows, as he hadn't checked that yet.Her body wasn't emanating much Qi either, which didn't inform him right away.


But when he checked her cultivation base, Lin Mu was surprised.

“Nascent Soul Realm?!" Lin Mu certainly hadn't expected that.

The girl barely looked to be five or six years old, after all.

“How old are you Meihua?" he couldn't help but ask.

“Meihua is six whole years old." The little girl said proudly."She really is at the Nascent soul realm at six years old..." Lin Mu was stunned.

It wasn't difficult to say that the littlegirl was a genius. Even if s e mighthave b feqjpalls or Ce spirit fruits,ithwasn’ easy to reach the Nascentsoul realm at this age. The content ison NovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!novelbin

After all, one would also need some level of comprehension to do so.

In some ways, she could be considered more talented than Lin Mu.

It only made Lin Mu more curious about her background.

If she's like this, parents must be high up in the Morning Glory Clan.’ Lin Mu thought to himself.

While Lin Mu thought this, he didn't guess just how high up her parents really were in the clan and he was in for another shock.As soon enough, a furious shout was heard.

"FOUL BEASTS!" A woman's voice filled with utter rage, thundered through the forest.


The area shook, as if an earthquake was happening while strong immortal Qi fluctuations could be felt."Sixth Tribulation Stage of the Immortal realm..." Lin Mu sensed the power.


And a moment later, a giant claw condensed from light tore through the forest.

The claw was nearly three hundredmeters tall and tore through allEvergreen Pillars. Bainbdo Ss Well asthe Bra Horn wolves. It didn'tmatter what came in its path, it wasall crushed to smithereens. Thecontent is on NovelDrama.Org! Readthe latest chapter there!

The claw was incredibly sharp, andcut through Segas jane wes! Sing a laserscalpel to cut through everything.The content is on NovelDrama.Org!

Read the latest chapter there!

Lin Mu marveled the power of the attack that soon eradicated the wolves.

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