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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 82

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 82 – in A Honeymoon Suite With Zane

I didn’t have any intentions of sleeping with Flynn, but I wanted to know from him.

The pause he took made me raise my hopes. I wanted at least one of them to look jealous, to competefor my attention and love, and so far, no one has shown that.

It was then that Zane answered me and frowned at my hopes.

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“Sure! Go ahead,” he shrugged, unconcerned.

“You wouldn’t fight with him for sleeping with me just like you did for Mariah?” I asked, my facechanging color as sad- ness started taking over me.

“Beatrice! She is my girlfriend, and you are you are my mate. I don’t have feelings for you. The sooneryou know the difference, the better it is,” he said in a casual tone before walking out of the living room.

What confused me was the fact that he didn’t flinch when saying all these things to me. He used toshow emotions before. I wondered what went wrong.

Since I had to proceed with the day no matter how badly it hurt, I dressed up for school.

I didn’t want to go with Zane because my emotions were on the rise, but then again, I couldn’t denyAkin’s ride. I don’t know if anyone else was free to take me to school.

“All set?” Akin asked when I sat in the car with him. I looked around and noticed Zane hadn’t come withus.

“Zane is not coming?” I asked, and Akin shook his head.

“He said he will go by himself,” Akin answered and started the engine. I could tell Akin didn’t really careabout my presence in his surroundings. Maybe Gwen was able to give him butterflies when he wasaround her. The mere thought bothered me.

The car ride was awkwardly silent. He took me to this hotel that was supposed to remain abandonedbut now would be filled with werewolf young students vandalizing the floors where they were notallowed.

The moment we reached the hotel, I began to feel weird. The tall building made me feel like I’d beenhere before, but I surely had not. However, I got out of the car and approached the driver’s side of thewindow to speak to Akin.

“Thank you for dropping me off,” I whispered, leaning in to give him a kiss on his cheek.

He quickly drew away and frowned, making me uncomfortable. I immediately straightened my back inshock.

I couldn’t comprehend what had just happened. Why did I do that?

“Bye,” was all he said before driving away from me.

I didn’t know he would react so reluctantly. Despite being angry with myself, I instantly shook myself outof the state and looked around to make sure nobody saw it.

Once confirmed, I walked into the building to attend cla*s*ses.

They have changed the schedule and floor number. We were now on the top floor for some weirdreasons. Since the building had been abandoned for years, they tried making the electricity work for theelevator and other necessities. The top floor was the only one that was clean and sparkling.

When I was about to get out of the elevator, I heard someone arguing. It was pretty clear who it was.

I could recognize Zane’s voice from miles away.

“f*uc*k off, Mariah!” he muttered.

I watched him from afar as I made my way into the hall- way to reach my cla*s*s.

“But give me one chance to prove myself and my loyalty to you,” Mariah begged again, cryinghysterically and holding him by his collar. She wasn’t letting him go, no matter how many types he freedfrom her grasp.

“I am shocked how you can think I will forgive your foolery and accept you into my life again,” Zanescoffed at her face, grabbing her wrists and freeing himself once again.

“It was an honest mistake. We were both heavily drunk and wasted,” she sobbed, getting in his wayand stopping him. from moving away from her.

“Really? And what about last time?” The moment he mentioned another incident, her cries stopped.When she re- turned her gaze to Zane’s beautifully dangerous eyes, she appeared almost terrified.

“What? What last time?” She stuttered for a reason. She knew there had been more than one time thatshe had cheated on Zane. Even I was surprised to hear that.

My incredibly slow steps came to a halt when Zane raised his face and his eyes met mine. I gulped,failing to react properly.

“I’ve got a cla*s*s to attend,” Zane muttered to her, his eyes sticking to my face. Mariah turned aroundand gasped when she watched me.

She was quick enough to mend her posture and wipe her tears.

She stole her eyes from me when she walked past me to the elevator. So I’m a*s*suming her cla*s*sesended while ours started. Zane didn’t stay in the hallway and left for the room where we were supposedto take cla*s*ses.

The master suite was emptied with a few chairs and a whiteboard place for us.

I walked into the room with only a few known faces-no Flynn and no Mariah for the day. However, I hadto sit with. Zane in the backseat since we were the only two left before the teacher arrived.

Zane had his legs stretched out and his body leaned over to the other side until I sat down and hestraightened his back to move closer to me. ear.

I didn’t know what he was up to until he whispered in my ears.

“This used to be a honeymoon suite,” Zane whispered, surprising me with his sudden mood changeonce again.

“Can you imagine how many Alphas have undressed their Luna’s here to have s*e*x with them?” Hethen proceeded to talk in a raspy voice, and my heart missed a beat.

“I feel like this room has a certain energy that can make anyone want to f*uc*k their mate hard,” headded, and my eyes closed in shock. I didn’t want to make eye contact with our teacher while Zanewas talking like this into my ears.

“Zan–,” before I could open my eyes and tell him to stop, he slid his hand up my black skirt and restedit on my n*ake*d thigh.

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