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Chapter 1878

The four guardian beasts wondered just how close to danger they were earlier.

"We are lucky it was the other celestial acting instead of the great being’. Otherwise we'd all be dead right now." The BlackTortoise stated with a hint of fear in its voice.

"Indeed... I've only heard rumors about the powers of that being’ but even a slight movement is apparently enough to shredworlds." The Vermilion bird chimed in.

“Hmmm... what is that being at? We know for sure they are not a Celestial." The White Tiger asked curiously.

"That is not for us to know." The Azure Dragon replied. "Or rather... do you wish to bear the burden of knowing that?" he asked.~gulp~

The White Tiger swallowed its saliva knowing it had touched on something really sensitive. "Of course not."

"It is best that the others think it was two celestials interfering and not one celestial and one..." The Vermillion bird stoppedtalking there.

"Yes." The other three agreed.“How's the progress coming with the child?" The Azure Dragon questioned to change the topic.

“Surprisingly well... he's taking it in with ease... and he's not affected by the pain either. At this pace, | think he'll be done in justan hour." The Black Tortoise replied.

“One hour!?" The White Tiger was astonished. "An Immortal at the Second Tribulation Stage of the Immortal realm can do that?""Don't forget he also has his body cultivation." The Vermillion bird added.

“Even with that... one would need a very strong mentality to do that... Even Seventh Tribulation Stage Immortals would take atleast half a day to do the same." The White Tiger was surprised.

"It is indeed quite surprising." The Black Tortoise was astonished too. "But for him to do this, his mentality must be very strong. |think even thirty millennium-old immortals would be hard-pressed to possess something like this.” It said.

"For a child his age... wait, what's his age again?" The White Tiger asked not knowing it."His age?" The Black Tortoise frowned. "! don't know either."“Let me check." The Azure Dragon spoke and closed its eyes.

When it opened them again, they glowed in a pleasant green light and gazed at Lin Mu. The Azure Dragon's eyes seemed likethey could look past all illusions when they gazed at Lin Mu.

The guardian beast directly glanced at the vitality within Lin Mu's body and was surprised once again.

"He has astonishingly high vitality... even with his body cultivation it's a bit too high... no wait— He's using two Immortal bodycultivation techniques!" The Azure Dragon said in surprise.

Before when Lin Mu had talked about multiple body cultivation techniques, they had thought that he used one from the immortalrealm and the others from the mortal realm. They didn't expect that he was actually using two immortal body cultivationtechniques in combination.

"Which one is it other than the Tyrant Bull Marrow Secrets?" The White Tiger asked with curiosity."The Three Apertures Invoking Technique." The Azure Dragon replied.

"No wonder..." The Vermillion Bird muttered. "That's how he was using the Tyrant Bull Marrow Secrets so freely. He has a largestorage of it."

"But what about his age?" The White Tiger asked the distracted dragon again.“Hang on, let me see deeper." The Azure Dragon said and glanced further in Lin Mu's body.

From the vitality in Lin Mu's flesh, the Azure Dragon directly went to the bones. It was there where the secret of Lin Mu's age washidden.

The Azure Dragon's eyes became frozen when he saw that.

"What is his age?" The Vermillion Bird was curious too now.

“Twenty seven."

“Twenty Seven thousand years? Isn't that too much?" The White Tiger spoke. "He'd be too old to be alive.”"No. Not twenty seven thousand.” The Azure Dragon denied.

"Wait... you don't mean Twenty Seven hundred years?" The White Tiger was astonished too now. "If he could reach this level attwenty seven thousand years... he's certainly a major genius."

"He never said that." The Black Tortoise interrupted. "Let him finish. It's not Twenty seven hundred years either, is it?" theguardian beast seemed to have an inkling of knowledge about it already.

"Yes... it is Twenty Seven... just Twenty seven." The Azure Dragon stated as a matter of fact.“What in the name of heavens..." The Vermillion bird was gobsmacked.

"That cannot be... it takes a hundred years just to reach the Dao Shell realm at maximum even with all resources. You'resaying... You're saying he's not even a hundred years old?" The White Tiger would have never expected the ‘child’ in front ofthem to be that young of a child.

"Yes... he is... possibly the youngest one in the world... no... possible the entire Immortal Court to have reached this far at hisage." The Azure Dragon was having a hard time processing this.

“Even if he had endless resources to progress, how did his body even handle it... just the Qi alone is easy enough to gather butcomprehending the Dao? He even has two Dao Embryos! And one of them is a Formation Dao Embryo which is even harder tocomprehend.novelbin

Then he has his body cultivation which is even tougher to progress. If we combined that with the rest of his skills... it becomesimpossible." The White Tiger found it incomprehensible.

"That might be so for our standards..." The Black Tortoise stated. "But don't forget who he is backed by. Our standards areutterly trash compared to the great beings. If it is that... then it should be expected." He added.

Pin drop silence was heard in the Guardian hall as they all came to terms with the reality.For thirty minutes, no one spoke and they all thought what to make of it."|... Want to give my bloodline essence to him." The White Tiger said as the first thing after the silence.

"| wish to do the same... but it won't be possible." The Black Tortoise spilled water. "Look," he said and sent a tiny wisp of energyinto Lin Mu.


In the next moment, a strong pressure exuded from Lin Mu's body and a fuming aura spewed out of his body. The aura gatheredand formed a large bear above his head.


Much to the guardian's surprise,there was actually a beast that daredto roar at them. Ev £4 wesjustlaading tones still have itsoriginal instincts. As such, the normalcourse of action would be for them tosimply cower in front of the GuardianBeasts. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

There would be some beasts like the Tyrant Bull that would act of course, but they were far and few in between.

Not to mention, Lin Mu didn't have the bloodline of the Tyrant Bull. He had learned the body cultivation technique that showedsome similarities, but that did not mean he also had the same bloodline figure.

"That bear... how is this possible... he dared to assimilate a Great Slumber Bear's bloodline!?" The White Tiger showed a mix ofshock and concern on his face.

"He certainly did. And succeeded in living..." The Vermilion bird said, feeling shocked too.

"The child has gained control over theGreat Slumber Bear's innate abilities.He has overcome he 3 figwethat |

en oultvatsrSta d. | do not knowhow... but whatever it is, the greatbeing might have a hand in it." TheAzure Dragon said after observing LinMu. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!


"Should we even be shocked at this point." The Black Tortoise stated. "For a great being to back someone, perhaps this is thekind of talent they need."

“Besides, even if we were to offer all our bloodline essences to him, | doubt it would be the best thing for him." The Azure Dragonspoke. "He seems to be taking a path unknown to us... it is best we do not interfere in it." He advised.

"That's correct." The Black Tortoise was in agreement. "Besides, | don't think our bloodlines would be worthy of him.""The Bloodlines of the Four Guardian beasts won't be enough?" The White Tiger found it a bit incredulous.

"Indeed. Don't forget, while our clansmight have authority, we are si notthe strongest ay There

many stropger bt btdowti moe cancbntén with us or even ones us."The Vermillion Bird reminded. "ThePhoenix clans... the Kunpeng clans..."The Guardian spoke of the bird beastclans. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

"The Golden Dragon Clan... The Jade Dragon Clan" The Azure Dragon added.

“And the Great Ao Turtle Clan." The Black Tortoise chimed in as well. "There are others that can triumph over the White Tigerclan too."

The White Tiger understood that this was certainly not something they could do now.

"Then what else can we do? We simply cannot let go of such a good seedling... he can easily rule the Immortal Court one day.Forget that. He'll exceed that too, eventually!" The White Tiger didn't want to give up a rare opportunity like this.

"You think his achievements will be limited to something like the Immortal and Celestial Court?" The Black Tortoise asked. "No...he'll exceed all our minds!"

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