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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 73

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 73 – A Douchebag Indeed.

“What does that mean?” I asked for more clarification since his words caught me off guard. Now thatwe are dressed up again, it is a lot easier to have a decent conversation and not stare at each other’sbody parts and get horny.

“I might sound like a douchebag to you, but I am not planning to accept you,” he said, and my eyestraveled into space. “Things happened between us, but I never promised you anything. So if you arethinking we are headed toward a relation- ship, I am sorry. I never intended to give you false hope.” hesounded very guilty and apologetic and that k*illed me inside.

“What if it was Gwen?” I asked out of the blue. I had a problem, one of many problems, in fact. Icouldn’t keep my thoughts to myself. Being subtle about something was not something I was good at. Iwould rather be upfront than linger around.

Title of the document

“What? Why did you have to bring her up?” He frowned, looking upset at the mention of her name.

“Because I want to know. You think I don’t see the look you and Akin give her? Be honest with me. I amyour mate and I deserve to know.” I demanded as I rushed to the door and blocked his way out.

“Bea! Don’t act like a child and get out of my way,” he insisted, not even looking my way.

“First, tell me what is going on between you and Gwen?” I insisted on knowing before I stepped asideand let him walk out of the room. I had a feeling that if he didn’t tell me clearly, I would end up fallinginto the trap of anxiety.

He stared at me with an exhausted look on his face for a minute before rolling his eyes and giving up.

“It is true,” he whispered, making my heart miss a beat.

“What is true? Explain your answer,” I demanded, sounding even more aggressive this time. He partedhis lips and let out a deep breath before nodding to himself as if he were convincing his wolf that theyshould better let me know now than later.

“I do like her,” he finished, and my face softened. I wanted to cry instantly, but that would make himhold in the information, so I regained my posture.

“And what about me?” I asked in a murmur.

“Bea! It was just a one-time thing. If I had a tiny bit of an idea that you would take it that seriously, Iwould have f*orc*ed myself to walk away,” he said, and the amount of regret he showed for sleepingwith me scattered my confidence.

“Besides, you have so many mates and there are so many restrictions-” He was in the process ofmaking up excuses when I intervened.

“When you truly want to be with someone, you fight all the restrictions and be with them,” I commented,and by the looks of how he nodded, he agreed with me.

“I agree with your statement, and I hope you are understanding it yourself too,” he whispered whilelooking away from me. I felt like I got what he meant. Him not fighting the restrictions was enough forhim to tell me that he didn’t want to be with me.

“Oh!” I uttered, slowly bringing my arms down and stepping out of his way.

“I am really sorry for hurting your feelings. I will keep my distance from you,” he said, and just as hewas about to walk out of the room, my d*um*b, thirsty a*ss yelled.

“I am okay with us mating without giving a title to our relationship,” I bit my tongue when he paused andturned around suddenly to look at me.

“What? Bea! Do you even understand what you are saying?” he asked in an annoyed tone.

“You never led me on. I mean, I just wanted to be clear. Look! You said it yourself that I have manymates, and I do plan to mate with anyone who wants to mate with me. I don’t mind if our relationship isonly physical.” I was shaking when he stomped on my self-esteem just to be around him.

He kept staring at my face for a moment before he walked away, finally without responding to me.

“What have I done?” I slapped my forehead, walked back. to the bed, and sat helplessly with my eyesstuck in space.

“I need to calm myself down.” It was then that I jumped out of bed to look for my diary. While searchingaround, I kept fidgeting with my fingers.

“Where is it?” I frowned, turning my entire closet upside down, but there were no signs of the diary.

“What the heck! Where did it go?” I complained a bit loud- er this time, throwing my clothes out of thecloset and getting frustrated.

“I’m sure mom put it here somewhere,” I grumbled and took a step back, keeping an eye out for anytraces of my diary.

“Did somebody steal it?” My heart sank in my chest when I realized my diary was nowhere to be found.It wasn’t sup- posed to happen. Nobody was supposed to get their hands on that diary.

“S*hit!” I cursed in my mouth, “Freaking Gwen!” Gritting my teeth angrily, I stormed out of my room tohave a word with that thief. She was the one looking through Akin’s shelves. She has to be the onenovelbin

who stole my diary, too.

I rushed through the living room, making my way to her room, which was across from the living room. Iheard Helel and Akin call for me, probably wanting to know where I was headed to.

The aggression I used to walk over to her room probably got their attention. They rushed after me theinstant I approached her door, and before I could start punching the door; I felt a pair of powerful armsgetting wrapped around my body and pulling me away from the door.

He lifted me and took me to the living room and tossed me over the couch. I should have known fromall the muscles in his hands that it was Helel.

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