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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 70

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 70 – Not So Innocent!

I have been in my room thinking about what happened between Helel and me last night. Now that itwas slowly starting to sink in, I was beginning to understand what I lost last night. It wasn’t a problemfor me, but my mother would be very angry when she found out about it.

However, it is not like I am ever going to tell her anything. She would never find out. Now that I havetasted freedom, the idea of answering someone’s burning questions doesn’t seem too desirable to me.I wanted to live freely now. It is not like I didn’t want to ever see my mother, but I wanted her to notcontrol me too much.

“What happens if I don’t take the pills for too long?” I asked myself that question, holding the pill bottlein my hand and staring at it. I was resting in the bed, my arms stretched out and the bottle in the air.

Title of the document

“Would it be okay to let my wolf transition once?” I tried to convince myself to transition, but then Iremembered how wrong it could go if he tracked my scent.

“No! I must not make that mistake,” I said to myself and sat up in bed. Without wasting another minute,I took the pill and calmed down.

Now that I have decided to not mess up my routine, I planned to meet Helel and see what he was upto. It really shocked me when I walked out of the room and found the mansion empty. I don’t know howlong I have been in my room, but it certainly hasn’t been years.

“Now where the heck is everyone?” I sighed. Taking a quick peek inside the kitchen and finding no onethere didn’t help my anxiety. I kept wandering around until my eyes traveled to the hallway and the light

emitting from the room at the end.

“That’s Akin’s library. Maybe he is home,” I whispered, proceeding to walk in that direction and probablyhave a word with him. It could be anything at all.

As the distance between the library and me decreased, I began to feel uneasy. The air was beginningto feel eerily vi- brant. I walked closer and peered inside to see what was going on. That’s when I wasable to see inside and see it was not Akin in the study.

My heart sank in my chest when I found Gwen checking through the shelves.

“Gwen? What are you doing here?” I instantly marched inside, and when I raised my voice to let herknow I caught her, it startled her beyond my expectations.

The way she jumped and pulled away from the shelf was itself a sign that she shouldn’t have been inhis study.

“I umm- I w—as—,” she gulped loudly, taking little strides around while trying to calm herself down.

“You what?” I asked, folding my arms across my chest and making dead eye contact with her.novelbin

She looked panicked when she turned around to me and smiled awkwardly.

“I was making sure I had returned the book. You see! I got a book from him, and now I cannot find it.”She giggled a little, shrugging her shoulders and doing random gestures to throw me off.

“Did you ask for his permission before walking into his study like that?” I kept interrogating her andmaking her rub her palms even harder.

“Oh! I thought it was just a library,” she sighed, lowering her head to sound genuinely disappointed inherself. Some- thing was way off about her, and I wasn’t thinking like that, only because I was jealous

of her. I just got bad vibes from her.

“Anyway! I will go back to my room now,” she said, and she tried bolting past me when I followed herbriskly to her room.

“Why are you following me?” she asked suddenly, laughing hysterically. Her actions were very randomand suspicious. The calm and collective Gwen was nowhere to be seen.

“I want to help you find his book,” I said as I walked past her and into her bedroom ahead of her. Shewas following me with her jaw hanging low.

“There is no need for that, Beatrice!” she said, joining me in the room, but this time she wasn’t laughingor looking hysterical. In fact, she looked anxious-or maybe a tiny bit furious too.

“No! it is fi— oh look! There it is,” I stated as I pointed at the book resting near the windowsill. It wasamazing how she couldn’t see the book in sight.

“Oh! Sometimes the thing is right before your eyes and you cannot see it.” She slapped her foreheadand grabbed the book, avoiding making eye contact with me by focusing only on the book.

“You can miss things in sight, but I don’t. I can always find the little things people are hiding.” Icommented and tilted my head, watching her raise her eyes and stare at me for a moment beforeforcing a smile across her lips.

“That is a good habit.” She said, “Helel! When did you arrive?” She then looked behind her at me tospeak to the person joining us.

“Just a minute ago. What were you girls talking about?” Helel stepped inside the room and passed us aquick stare.

“I was in your brother’s library looking for a book when Beatrice arrived. She seemed upset at the factthat I used the library without Akin’s permission. I guess I need to know the rules a little better,” sherushed before me to explain the whole situation. I kind of felt like she set me up for another argumentwith the brothers cally.

“Akin’s study?” Helel asked, and Gwen nodded apologetic.

“Beatrice is right, you should first seek his permission,” when Helel agreed with me. The smile fromGwen’s lips. seemed to fade a little before she got a hold of her emotions and bobbed her head inagreement with him.

“And don’t wander around all the time,” I added when I became a little too overconfident. Gwen lookedupset at my comment, but a scoff from Helel caught our attention.

“There is no such rule as that.” Helel eyed me to not annoy Gwen before he turned to Gwen again tosay, “Akin will pick you up in an hour for a doctor’s appointment.”

As I realized she will be leaving again, it was only brought to my attention that Helel and I will be leftalone again.

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