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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 68

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 68 – Wrestle Me. Stepbrother!

“What do you mean by prove it?” he asked with a bit of an att*itude, stealing his eyes and acting alloblivious.

“You couldn’t hold me still last night, so now I don’t agree with you when you say you can control me,” Isaid in a much more annoying tone this time. I expected him to be angry at me or probably yell at me.Honestly speaking, I was expecting him to accuse me of seducing him, but he did none of that. I likedthe way he dealt with the situation. Not talking about it and still carrying on with his tough demeanor, Ifound it intriguing.

“Because I let you go myself,” he said, placing his hands on the island with a thud.

Title of the document

“Because I made you,” I shrugged again, irritating the living. hell out of him. It was interesting how anomega like me was able to manipulate an alpha king so well. No, I wouldn’t call it manipulation exactly,but sort of able to make my way into his mind.

“No! you didn’t,” he puffed air out of his mouth before answering me. The ridiculed look on his facewhen watching me almost made me chuckle.

“Okay! Fine. I will admit that you made me do it. Don’t cry about losing.” the moment I said somethingto calm him down, I added another sentence to bring him to boil instantly again.

“Okay! Let’s have a match,” he placed his hands on his waist and demanded, looking at me confidently.

“You want to wrestle with me?” I asked, and he nodded with a proud look on his face.

“Oh! Your alpha ego is hurt,” I smiled, bobbing my head.

“Are you ready for a match or not?” He closed his eyes to put pressure on his words when demandingan answer from me. Cluelessly, I shrugged.

“What kind of wrestling?” I asked.

“Whoever makes the other one tap out is the winner!” he said, setting the rules when the door openedand Akin returned home with Gwen. Helel walked around the island to welcome them, but whenpassing by me, he whispered, “Think about it,” he said.

I stayed sitting on the stool, moving my feet around, and thinking hard over his deal. Does he want towrestle me? Has he not seen his body? He will squash me like I am some kind of mosquito. But nowthat I have irritated him, what could I do?

“They gave her some paink*illers. I think a little rest will help her heal better,” Akin told Helel, taking herto the guestroom. I didn’t run out of the kitchen to see her. Her presence would ruin my mood, and Ididn’t want it for the day after I lost my v*irgin*ity. I was just thrilled.

“What about her memory? Did she talk about her past?” Helel asked Akin, who had entered thekitchen, to grab something quick to eat.

“Those cookies are for Gwen. Helel baked them, especially for her,” I said when Akin reached for thecookies.

He stopped and turned around to pass a quick glance to Helel, who was secretly glaring at me.

“What? Oh! It was a secret? Sorry!” I pouted, munching on the toast while the brother and I sharedawkward eye contact.

“She is bulls*hitting. You can have it.” Helel let out an uncomfortable laugh and offered his brother thecookie with hot coffee, “And I didn’t bake it,” he then pointed at the empty bag with the bakery name onit.

“She will be fine. The doctor said she is not yet ready to talk about her past,” Akin answered, taking aseat two stools away from mine.

“And how are you awake so early?” Akin then turned to question me whilst Helel poured him coffee.

“I heard Helel crying in the kitchen. I guess he lost some match to someone- I don’t know,” I answeredin a much more cheerful tone. I was in a full-swing. The type of energy I was feeling felt unique.

I didn’t take the medicine at night time. I took two at the same time last afternoon. I figured it was reallya waste of time to take the pills at two different times. It will work longer if I take two, anyway.

Well, my equation was wrong because I heard my wolf talk. again.

‘I told you,’ She said, shocking me with her arrival.

I sneakily watched Helel and Akin, who was now talking about why Helel was crying in the kitchen.

“She is lying,” Helel grunted. “By the way, what happened to the new project?” He was quick enough todivert his brother’s attention while I focused on my wolf.

‘Why did you wake up again? I took two pills,’ I groaned.

‘No wonder why I felt like that. You are supposed to put me to sleep, not in a coma. Taking two pills at atime didn’t increase the time, just the intensity,’ she complained, sounding much more normal than shenormally does.

‘That’s why my back was hurting,’ I figured.

‘No! your back was hurting from the wild wrestling last night. It was fun, wasn’t it?’ She asked, and mycheeks turned red again.

‘You know why you are feeling so energized today?’ She inquired, and I reluctantly waited for herresponse while drinking the coffee at the same time.

‘Think of your mate’s d*ic*k as your charger. He charged you. well last night,’ she joked, and I spat thecoffee out. I didn’t only spit it out, I literally streamed it so far that I sprayed Akin too.

“What the heck!” He jumped off the stool and complained, brushing a tissue on his expensive coat.

“I am so sorry. I don’t know what happened.” I covered my mouth in shock and embarra*s*sment. Ididn’t mean to bother him. It was Ace’s fault.novelbin

“I will go change,” he muttered much more angrily. It wasn’t like I had drenched him, and it was anhonest mistake too. As he walked out of the kitchen, Helel squared up.

“You want to talk big? Then accept my challenge.” Helel grunted, his hands on his waist and lookingawfully cute.

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