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Chapter 538

Chapter 538 The Cursed Child with Many Companions

“Tell me what happened?” Helel and I asked in unison. We’ve been trying to comfort her, but she wasstill hyperventilating and sweating.

I didn’t like how he said Shiloh’s name and then fell silent. We have been deceived by so many peoplethat every time we said someone’s name, we immediately suspected that person was our enemy. Andsince Shiloh was in our lair with Evelyn and the others, I didn’t feel like she should delay telling us whatwas going on.

“When I was leaving the mansion, I had a conversation with Shiloh,” he began, drinking water fromHelel and swallowing it down his throat. The way he drank it, I was surprised. It was as if he hadn’tdrunk water in years.novelbin

“So?” Helel asked, sneaking the bottle so she could focus more on the topic at hand.

“She wanted to know about her daughter. So I took a sample of his blood and did a spell. However, Icouldn’t see anything at the time, but on the last day when I fell asleep, I saw something in mydreams,” she began to mutter and looked very worried.

I didn’t like where their conversation was going. I took too many pauses and that increased my anxiety.

“Is your daughter okay?” I ended up asking him directly.

Reign paused for another brief before raising her head and looking me straight in the eye. “He will besomeone who will have many companions.”

I was surprised by the revelation. Usually, when someone has more than two companions, it meansthat they are special. “Just like me?” I asked, and Reign nodded.

“I think that means your daughter will be special,” Helel concluded, and her muscles relaxed. I mean,even I was relaxing now.

Being special is not bad. I don’t understand why Reign was so scared. “No, you don’t understand. Youhad a choice, Beatrice! He then went on to explain to me what was really wrong with the baby’ssituation.

“She will have powerful companions, and she must accept them all at once,” as I said that, I feltgoosebumps getting on my goosebumps.

I can’t imagine having so many mates and being shared with each other at the same time.

“I guess, maybe if they’re kind…” Once again, my words dispersed as Reign shook his head.

They won’t be. They will only be with her because they need something from her,” he continued toexplain, making my heart stop.

“Then she should reject them,” Helel shrugged, still trying to understand what was so important aboutall this.

“She can’t. They must all stay together. And every time you cheat, karma will follow you and make yousuffer. It’s a little different. See! Her companions will be scumbags, but they will eventually fall in lovewith her once they realize how precious she is,” Reign finally gave us good news, but we had onlyrelaxed when she added, “But by then, she will have surpassed them. And the more they stay awayfrom each other, the more evil they will attract.”

“It’s not fair. So, can’t they be separated even if they hate each other?” I was shocked by the child’sfate.

“You see, she will be the real seductress,” once she said that word, she made deep eye contact withme. It reminded me of what my mother used to say about me. So, she was right. There will be aseductress.

“But she won’t be bad. However, its pheromones are full of sxual energy. So, whenever her peers arearound her, they are attracted to her physically. Which will make everyone wonder if they just love herfor that or if they have fallen in love with her,” Reign explained in better words. Helel and I shared aglance before he squinted at me.

“Why are you looking at me like this? I was never attracted to you just because of your beautiful body,”the way he explained it, I slapped the back of my hand, and felt my cheeks flush.

What an idiot.

“So, will she never find out what they really feel about her?” I asked, but Reign shook his head.

“She will. Like I said, once she’s away from them, they don’t feel her warmth anymore, so they candetermine how they feel about her,” now that Reign told me how important and miserable Shiloh’s son’slife will be. I felt bad for Her.

No one deserves to go through such a difficult time with their peers. I only have one evil companionand everyone is suffering because of him. Imagine being thrown among so many defiant companions.

I never could.

We remained silent for the rest of the trip, and then arrived. Our warriors were already walking in themountains, waiting for us.

“What’s going on?” Helel got out of the car and approached his men, who looked too worried.

“The area is too quiet and dark,” the warrior replied. However, it was true. There were all abandonedhouses, but they were all abandoned, apparently.

“I guess it’s because most of your warriors were killed by Akin and Colt?” I asked, and the warriorshrugged.

“I have no idea, but even if that’s the case, where the **** is Zane?” Helel posed a good question,making us turn on our flashlights and look around when we heard a voice from the top of the smallmountain behind us.

“Looking for me?” In the darkness, with the wind blowing on his long black coat, was Zane. It didn’tseem much affected by the number of warriors we had brought with us.

“Either you give up or we finish this here tonight,” Helel said, stepping forward, giving her one lastchance to choose her fate.

If he surrenders, we will arrest him and keep him in a cage forever.

“What makes you think I would? You’ve come here for a war, so let’s do it,” as I said that, we saw a lotof werewolves attacking us.

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