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Chapter 510

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 510

Chapter 500 Going To Be A Mom.

It’s been a month since we were preparing for our mating ceremony and looking for Gwen at the sametime. It was upsetting that she was not returning. However, we did get a few messages from her hereand there, but before we could track her down, she would have her phone switched.

Her blood was not trackable as well, and that was the scariest thing for us. But then again, she has losther weredragon, so her blood is not really sending out that strong scent.

As for Zane, he had gone silent. Which was shocking, but none of us complained. As long as hedoesn’t cause us any trouble, we are happy.

“So, what are we doing now?” I asked Akin as I entered the living room and sat down with them. I wasmore like myself now. I would lose my memory here and there, but it wasn’t that bad anymore.

Shiloh and Jay were still in the guesthouse, but they would barely come around. But our worstnightmare had just started once again. Zane’s people were found wandering around the woods.

“We shall have a talk with him. This cannot keep going on. It is like a trigger for our temples. He mustfollow the rules or we will start a war,” Akin stated in a confident tone.

“You are right. If you want, I can send out a letter to talk about certain rules and regulations. His peopleand him can stay in the west, but they were not allowed elsewhere,” Helel added, while I watchedReign just stare down. I haven’ t had a good conversation with her in a while. I am guessing she wasupset at the demise of her brother, and I haven’t even been able to console her.

I didn’t have the correct words to say to her. But now that I was more like myself and able to do what Iwanted to at certain times, I decided to speak to her.

“I will come with you guys,” I said, watching Helel nod but not look at me. My actions have caused a lotof misunderstanding and opened many doors for debate. However, I was still not sure what happenedbefore and after I disappeared.

The feeling of being lost was still there, but a little less wild now. Akin also wanted to resolve the issueof Zane before our marriage, which was in a few days.

They didn’t want Zane out and about, but we were left with no choice. We couldn’t directly ask him tosurrender and get arrested because he would never do so. So, for now, we have decided to offer him atreaty.

While the brothers decided things, I got up after Reign and chased her down in the garden.

“It is beautiful,” I complimented when watching the tree, she has been taking care of.

“You think so? I have been feeling very connected to this tree,” she smiled as she ran her hand overthe trunk of it. “You are doing an amazing job, just like you always do,” as I said those words, I noticeda little agitation in her body language. I was right. She was dealing with some issues.

“Hey, I wanted to talk to you about— Flynn and everything,” I murmured, feeling awkward for bringing itup. “I wish I knew what you wanted. I just—,” I stammered, struggling to find the correct words for myactions. “No! you don’t have to explain anything at all. It is not your fault that this happened.novelbin

I cannot even ask you to explain. It will be unfair. What he was going to do was anyone’s worstnightmare. To even think that I wanted him alive to see him is just unfair to you,” Reign had alwaysbeen a thoughtful one.

I gave her a smile and then hugged her. The way she tightened her arms around me gave me a feelingof comfort.

“So don’t worry; I’m not angry with you. And thanks for choosing me as your bride’s maid,” she thenbroke the hug just so that she could caress my cheek. “You are a good person, Beatrice,” she added.

“But something has happened to me recently,” I spoke, looking around to see if anybody was watchingme.

“I noticed. If only you could tell me what it is that you are feeling, I might be able to help you,” shemurmured.

“When I–,” I started off from the disappearance, but that was all I could say before my tongue rolledback in my m*outh and I went silent once again, “I want someone to help me with picking a weddingdress. It’s so difficult to choose something when there are so many better options out there,” I forced asmile onto my l*ips once realizing the only thing I could do was change the subject.

“Oh! That’s all?” she asked, and I nodded pleasantly. Or at least I tried. “Hm, I’ll help you,” she finishedwith a grin.

I went back inside, feeling defeated for not being able to open up to anyone. “You asked for this,” theguard said, walking up to me and handing me something wrapped up in a blue package.

I stared at it before peering through to see a pregnancy test inside it.

“Okay, thank you,” I said, tucking the package under my arm and sneaking upstairs before Akin caughtme.

I wanted to do the test and then, once the result was out, tell Akin the good news.

As soon as I rushed into the bathroom and peed on it, I impatiently began to wander around for theresult.

“If this comes out positive, then I don’t have to worry about Ace being silent. She is definitely sleepingso that the transition doesn’t hurt the baby,” I said to myself, and I finally stopped to look at the result.

My heart began to pound, and my eyes stared at the test without blinking. “Great! I am g—oing to be amom,” I whispered, covering my m*outh to not cheer too loudly.

I couldn’t wait to get out of the bathroom and tell Akin.

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