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Chapter 449

Chapter 449

Chapter 439 I Thought We Were A Team (Maddox Spade)

I was horrified at what was going on. I looked at Zane and then turned around to look back at theothers. Huia, the one who was leading the crowd, pointed at Zane.

“Our King is here. All hail the man from hell,” her loud scream deafened me while the others began tobow down for Zane. I have never felt so uneasy before. Their harsh gazes falling on Zane’s face weremaking me anxious. He was my brother, and I would never let them take him away from me. I willprotect him, even if it means I have to die in the end.novelbin

“Zane! Don’t listen to them,” I turned to my brother and held his hand, saying, “Look at me; it doesn’tmatter what they say. You are not the bad guy here. We will deal with this once we leave. Let’s go.”

I tried to drag him around, but he looked frozen. His eyes were sticking to the crowd as he watchedthem bow down to him.

“Zane!” I once again yelled his name, and this time I cupped his face to make him look at me instead.

He finally diverted his gaze from them and looked my way.

“Listen to me, okay? They can’t make you a bad person,” I said, and Zane shook his head. I wouldn’tlet him stay behind and get manipulated by them.

“But they are saying I am the man from hell,” he whispered, not really displaying much emotion.

“Well, it doesn’t matter. They can very well be lying,” I said, and I pointed at Huia. “remember her? Sheis our biggest enemy. All she wants is for us to turn against each other. Maybe that’s who Gwen is

working for. Mykel was working for her,” I began to give him excuses to help him not get too consumedby their claims.

“Remember, she told Dream she was the mistress of doomsday? She lies,” I added.

“We are not lying. In front of us stands our king. He is not the one who gets to decide. He has beenchosen already,” Huia stepped up to have a word directly with us this time. I wondered why we hadn’tkilled her since we had a chance. Look at her now. She was lying to Zane to make him feel some sortof way about himself.

“Don’t tell me you believed you were the one they were bowing for,” Huia scoffed, but it made me evenmore curious. I remember she told Zane he was the useless one. She loves to play with our minds andmakes us feel useless or important whenever she wants to.

“I don’t believe you. If anyone has to be a dark entity, it must be me,” I said with confidence.

“What makes you say that?” Huia smirked, tilting her head, and wanted me to say it out loud. I wasguilty of it, but I didn’t hesitate to say it loudly because it would save my brother from getting convincedby her.

“Because as a child, I was fed a weredragon baby I didn’t choose to be this way, but unfortunately, Ibecame the dark one after eating another child,” I explained, looking around to see the reaction.

These people in black clothes were some of the old pack members. Some of them were criminals. Infact, they were from all around the world. But the fact that Huia has gathered to become their king sothat she can use his power and strength against his own brothers is ridiculous.

We brothers might be fighting today, but we will never see each other as enemies. In fact, I am sureGwen created all this ruckus between us brothers for a reason. And now it is Huia’s turn to play herpart and separate Zane from us.

“Oh, such a fool you are,” Huia’s response was not something I had expected. She rolled her eyes andshook her head in disapproval.

“This is the truth,” I claimed, making sure my brother stayed behind me. 1 didn’t want their dirty eyes tofall on him.

He was too innocent and emotional to understand these things.

“Maddox! you never ate the baby,” Huia said with blunt eye contact.

“What?” I frowned, “I know this because—,” I paused as she nodded, waiting for me to give her proof.

“I just know this, okay?” I said as I began to remember the things my mother used to say, “Mom saidshe had made a big sacrifice for me when I was a child, and because of it, she felt remorseful.”

Finally, I gave her the big reason that made me believe, apart from the nightmare, that I was the childwho was fed the weredragon baby.

“Oh! That wasn’t the feeding of the weredragon. Her guilt was that when she was pregnant with youtwo, the doctor told her that you were too weak and that if she didn’t make a decision about abortingyou, the other baby would suffer. Your mother was stubborn and thought she would be able to takecare of both of you, so she refused all the help. She decided to keep the baby,” she scoffedmischievously.

So, it was indeed true.

I never ate the weredragon baby. But it doesn’t matter. I will protect my brother at any cost.

“No!” 1 refused to believe her. She was so good at lying. Even when I knew it made sense. I had torefuse her claims. She was trying to manipulate my brother and steal him away from ns.

“Zane! You don’t have to listen to her. Let’s go,” I said, and as I tried dragging him, he pulled me backand hugged me tightly.

1 don’t know what it was about that hug, but it felt so special.

“Hey, I am here with you. We will go back, and everything will be back to normal,” I mumbled, waitingfor him to speak up.

But he was eerily silent and just hugging me tightly. It was only after a few seconds that 1 began to feela sharp pain in my stomach. It was as if I had been stabbed by something extremely sharp and painful.

“Ugh!” I let out a little groan and tried to pull away from him, but he didn’t let me go. I wanted to seewhat happened to me. “Zane!” 1 complained in my mouth, trying to push him away, but he kept onwrapping his arms around me and pulling me deeper and deeper into his body.

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