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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 265

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 265 – Found My Lost Identity.

“I don’t understand. I don’t know anything.” I refused to let him into my head, but now it was gettingdifficult to ignore the words he was saying.

They meant something.

“How about we talk to my mommy dearest? The lady your mother stole her mate from?” He clenchedhis jaw, making me realize they knew about my mother all along. We were idiots to think we were livingwith creepy people, and they have not spied on us till now.

Title of the document

‘Mommy! Come here, the weredragon is awake.” His calling my kind was a big shock to me. In no time,Pamela walked into the room with my pill bottle in her hands.

“What are you doing with those?” I yelled in panic, instantly feeling cold air brush against my body andcausing me to shiver.

“Oh! These?” She opened the lid and shook the bottle, listening to the noise those pills created.

“Please don’t do this. I am not the one who did you wrong,” I said as I shuddered and crawled back intothe wall, thinking that would help me.

“Of course you did not. Your mother slept with my mate and ruined our perfect life, but that is not evensomething I care about. It is not like I am holding you here in my son’s room for that reason,” shescoffed, laughing as she shook her head at me for being so silly.

“Then why are you keeping me here?” I asked her in a murmur, wondering why my mother didn’t textme or tell me to not return to the fields. It was as if she sold me just to save her life.

“For a long period, I thought you were my mate’s daughter—bastard child, but I was wrong—,” shenodded to herself as she took notice of her claims. “You were not the daughter of my mate. In fact, youare not even a child of Scarlet.” That smirk forming across her lips left me petrified, but it was what shesaid that shook the world from under my feet.

“I don’t — what—,” I gasped. As if the night hadn’t given me the biggest shock when I woke up inchains, now there was more coming for me.

“I knew she didn’t tell you the truth. Then I started thinking about how it was possible that you are thesame age as her daughter but not exactly a werewolf. I knew my dumba*s*s mate was a werewolf andso is Scarlet, so how the hell—,” she paused, tilting her head and giving me a chance to speak mytruth.

“My werewolf side was — consumed by magic— they made it dormant,” I explained with whateverenergy and strength were left in my body. But she didn’t look too pleased.

“You are really a terrible listener, aren’t you? Did you not pick up on what I said? Scarlet gave birth toher daughter around the time you were already supposed to be born, which meant you were already afew months old by the time her daughter was a few months old. But her daughter was from a werewolf.Are you not getting my point, you dumb b*itc*h?” She rolled her eyes and filled her mouth with air asshe got fed up with me for not understanding the gibberish she was spewing out of her mouth.

The problem was that I was in freaking chains, tied in front of a hungry monster. Sorry that my brainwas slow and not ready to pick anything but to look around for an escape.

Not to mention, her holding my pill bottle was giving me anxiety. I didn’t care if I never got those pillsagain, but I have promised someone that I will give her these pills. I was worried about Maura and her


“What my mother means is that you are not Scarlet’s daughter.” Now that Markus had said it in simpleterms, I was all ears.

I went numb for a minute as I recalled all the times I endured her beatings because she told me shewas my mother and was only trying to help me. It was that miserable child who went through so muchabuse that she didn’t want to accept she had been fooled and could have escaped had she known herabuser wasn’t even her mother.

“You a-re lying. She was ra**** by a weredragon warrior and got pregnant—” I stopped talking whenthey started laughing.novelbin

“Is that what she told you? So, she kept you in her belly while getting impregnated by a werewolf at thesame time?” Pamela laughed even louder, making me shake in my body and shed tears.

“Ah! You silly girl. That woman was never concerned about you. You were just her ticket to everything.”Pamela then knelt down and sat comfortably, taking a minute before adjusting herself on the smallcarpet while she made sure I was on the cold floor.

“What could she possibly get from me?” I asked, even when I knew I was going to be very upset withwhat she told me.

“Shall we tell her?” Markus asked his mother, giggling like a child. This side of Markus was extremelyscary. The moment he would start chuckling like that, I knew he was ready to show his evil side.

“Why don’t you go ahead?” Pamela elbowed him playfully. The two were acting like they were givingme good news.

“You are not a hybrid, and you were never a hybrid. You are a pure breed,” Markus stated with a giggle,covering his mouth and waiting for my reaction with his eyes peeled open.

I was shocked but also lost until he added those words and made me lose my ability to ever thinkstraight again.

“You were one of the twin weredragon babies that were stolen from the weredragon King and Queen!”he announced with a grin on his lips. “Yes, you are Princess Beatrice!” he finished.

A big, warm tear paved its way down my cheeks for the other tears to follow.

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