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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 161

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 161- Everything is Falling Apart

“You know Maddox texted me. He was worried about you.” Helel said after his statement turnedeverything awkward.novelbin

“What for?” I asked as I didn’t understand why he would

be worried about me and then not call me.

Title of the document

“He heard Flynn had moved in. Zane and Maddox are also distressed over this whole situation. So youbeing here has worried Maddox even more,” Helel explained, and I could only imagine how Zane mustbe feeling now, but something made me worry a little more about Maddox being scared for me.

“Wait a minute. What is Maddox worried about?” I said this as I locked my gaze on Helel’s face.

“He is worried that Flynn would bully you again,” he mumbled, but I refused to believe him.

“Show me the text conversation,” I said, watching a gulp run down Helel’s throat. He looked like he hadseen a ghost.

“I don’t have it with me. I deleted it,” he was lying. The way he stole his eyes from me was a sign.

“I can’t believe you are lying to me, Helel,” I said, grabbing the glass of juice and then pouring it into thesink. I no longer felt like drinking anything.

I don’t know why, but Helel has a*s*sured me of his loyalty so much that hearing him lie deeply upsetme.

“Beatrice! I don’t understand why you are not ready to be- lieve he can be worried for you,” Helelrushed over to the counter and sighed when he couldn’t stop me from spilling the juice. One could tellhe was upset that he had ruined mymood.

“It is not that I don’t believe that. I just know for a fact that Maddox wasn’t only worried that Flynn wouldbully me,” I explained, and this time, we were facing each other with not much space between us.

“What are you trying to say?” he asked me with a hint of acknowledgment.

“He is worried I will let Flynn smash,” I scoffed and folded my arms over my chest. Helel had an instantdisgusted look on his face as he pulled a step back from me.

“No!” He shook his head, but it was clear that he was lying.

“I know it is true. He was probably thinking, now that Flynn is the alpha king, I will let him flirt back andforth and even allow him to sleep with me as I did with you brothers back then.” I didn’t need to shed asingle tear, even when it hurt. that Maddox would think I could do something like that.

“No! Beatrice! I am sure everyone here knows that was a different time.” He said, “Besides, Maddoxdidn’t say anything about doubting you. He was worried Flynn would convince you to give him achance. As for the past, we were the ones who told you that you were not exclusive to one of us. Thistime, it is different. You are exclusive to Maddox and you will neve—-,” he was talking nonstop when Ifelt the urge to stop him right there.

“I am not!” I claimed, making him shut up.

“You and Maddox—,” he started yammering again when a head shake from my side shut him up again.

“It is over. After what happened in the woods and how he attacked Colt without giving us anopportunity, I realized he didn’t attack Colt because he thought Colt was hurting me. He thought Colt

and I were hooking up. And not to mention, he didn’t even ask me once if I was doing okay. Helel, if hesaw my face because he made eye contact with me before lunging at Colt. And even after that, hewasn’t concerned about my state. Then I am sorry, I am done,” I stated, looking sternly at my decision.

“Does he know?” Helel questioned.

“He will know when he man’s up and talks to me,” I finished and started walking past him when Helelgently held me by my arm to stop me near him.

“That night! What happened to you? Who did all that to you?” Helel inquired, his eyes digging intomine.

I stared into his face and then gently slid my arm free from his grip. His eyes were like the ocean, but Iwas afraid to take a boat and ride in such water, especially when I knew my honesty would hurt him.

“It’s all taken care of, so there’s no need to worry,” I mumbled as I walked upstairs.

Just the instant I was in my bedroom, I received a call from none other than Maddox. He must haveheard from his brother that I was talking about breaking up with him.

“Say quickly what you have to say because I have to be with my mother,” I said the instant I answeredhis call. I couldn’t tell how he would talk to me, but I knew for a fact that I would try not to take his wordsto heart.

“You complained that I didn’t give you a chance to tell your side and attacked that a*ssh*ole. Fine, I amgiving you a chance now,” Maddox said from the other side, making me. raise my brow and scoff.

But then I realized I would have asked for his side as well if I had found him in that state with someone.

“I wasn’t sleeping with Colt. That night! I didn’t take my medicine, and my wolf was coming out andcausing me agony. I was in the woods and thankfully Colt found me, he took me to his cabin to calmme down and that’s when you arrived and thought we were hooking up,” I explained, not feeling liketalking about our relationship but since it was the right thing to give him an explanation, I did.

I didn’t want to be a brat and just expect him to under- stand everything on his own. However, I was stillupset over the fact that he hurt Colt, and now he is facing execution.

“Did you know about Colt?” His question made a gulp run down my throat.

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