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Chapter 52

Chapter 52 Department Transfer Exam

Chapter 52 Department Transfer Exam

64% 13:04

Sebastian noticed that Jonathan had been intentionally distancing himself from Angela since that day. He understood that Jonathan had never considere

So, there were a few occasions when Angela came over. Even though Jonathan was at home, he had Sebastian tell her that he wasn’t.

Butjust now, Jonathan took the initiative to tell Angela that if she encountered any problems, she should call him directly. He even sent someone to deliver a

After all, Angela was such a pitiful child, unloved by her parents, and her brothers were so unkind. Who wouldn’t feel sorry for her? Jonathan must have

This was a positive development. After the incident years ago, Jonathan seemed to have lost. all his emotions. He had no feelings of love, friendship, or

Now that he could feel compassion, it meant that he was gradually becoming a normal


Sebastian was elated. He wished Angela could be in front of Jonathan every day so that Jonathan’s physical and mental health would improve.

The future was full of hope.

After receiving the ice pack, Angela bid farewell to the bodyguard. When she reached a secluded place, she couldn’t hold back her tears and started cry

She was grateful to Jonathan and Sebastian for showing her that the world was worth it, and so was she.

There was still true love in this world. She was kind to others, not because she couldn’t receive the same kindness in return, but because, in the eyes of

Angela cried so sorrowfully. Her face hurt from the slap, so she held the ice pack to her face and cried into it.

If she couldn’t cure Jonathan and make him happy and live a long life, she might as well kill herself.


Chapter 52 Department Transfer Exam

To ensure her smooth examination, Angela wiped her face clean after crying and hurried off to study.

In a few days, she had to pass the department transfer exam.

In the following days, Angela studied relentlessly. She didn’t even have time to go to the milk tea shop, and she studied late into the night at home. Dona

However, Emilia always seemed like she wanted to say something whenever she saw Angela, but she never had the opportunity. Angela didn’t even lift h

Time was precious, and she didn’t want to waste a single minute on any person that she didn’t like.

As the calendar on the wall turned a page, the department transfer exam finally arrived.

Early in the morning, Angela rushed to school. After buying a pancake for breakfast in the school cafeteria, she sat down and continued to study while ea

“Hey, isn’t that Angela?” There were whispers around her.

“Indeed, I heard that Stella was expelled because of her. Stella’s father was going to donate a new laboratory building to our school, but now it’s all gone

“I wonder what exactly happened.”

“I heard from Stella that Angela deliberately provoked Fanny before the competition, affecting Fanny’s mindset. She couldn’t help but fight with Angela. B

for her and got Stella expelled.”

“No wonder Fanny didn’t perform well and didn’t even win a third prize. Angela is truly shameless. She’s so young that even if she’s out of money after letime job. Relying on a rich man really shows her character.”

get a

“She’s not a good person to begin with. I heard she’s takingthe medical department transfer exam today. With her character, can she pass? I heard that Professor Noah from the medical department is personally i

The murmurs grew louder, but Angela continued reading her book, showing no intention of interrupting them.

Suddenly, someone rose from their seat, forcefully slamming a stainless steel tray onto the


Chapter 32 Department Transfer Exam

table, creating a jarring noise.

All eyes turned towards the commotion.

Angela glanced up and saw that it was Samuel.

What was he up to now!


66% 13:04

+5 Free Coins

Aftersilencing the whispers, Samuel didn’t approach Angela to bother her. Instead, he spoke coldly. “You can speak, can’t you? If you have any objections to t

The crowd fell silent, genuinely confused by his outburst, but they ceased discussing Angela.

The Kins Family was affluent and attractive, with each member excelling in their studies. No ordinary student would dare to provoke them, except forAngela, who had no one to support her.

Fanny happened to enter the dining hall and noticed the unusual silence. She was a bit puzzled, but her eyes lit up when she spotted Angela. She picke

“Angela, do you have an exam today?”

Angela ignored her and continued munching on her biscuit.

Unnoticed by Fanny, Samuel frowned at the scene.

“Angela, Fanny leaned closer. “I’m sorry. I truly didn’t know that Stella would put the laxative I lent her into Jessica’s water. If I had known, I would never novelbin

Angela finished the last bite of her biscuit, closed her book, stood up, and walked around Fanny to put her book back in her backpack before leaving.

She completely ignored Fanny.

“Angela!” Fanny seemed upset, following her.

“Fanny,” Samuel approached and stopped her. “Angela is a difficult person. Don’t go near her anymore. She might harm you.”

“Samuel, you’re here too.” Fanny was surprised but quickly nodded obediently. “I understand, Samuel.”

Samuel watched Angela’s retreating figure, feeling an inexplicable worry.


The department transfer exam was not easy. Angela seemed to have prepared for a long

time, but the medical professors had full discretion. What if they didn’t allow her to take the exam because of these rumors?

But he quickly grew annoyed. Why was he worrying about Angela? If she failed, wouldn’t it serve her right?


then swtated briefly before informing Fanny that he had something to attend to. He

followed Angela.

His intention was to observe whether Angela would be allowed to enter the examination


The examination room for the department transfer exam was nearby. When Angela arrived with her backpack, she was taken aback to see an elderly ma

“You’re here, my dear,” Professor Noah warmly greeted her, as if he was welcoming his own. granddaughter. This left Samuel trailing behind, utterlydumbfounded.

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