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Chapter 269

Chapter 269 Invitation From The Elders

Angela found herself trying to figure out how to respond.

Despite Jonathan and Michael’s tense relationship, they were still regarded as elders. When the elders extended the invitation, Angela felt compelled to

At the same time, Michael remained patient. As Angela remained silent on the phone, he waited quietly without any hint of impatience. Finally, Angela’s v

Michael then provided an address.

Following that, he reminded Angela, “I’d prefer if Jon didn’t know about this for now. You know his temper, and it’s just a small matter. I don’t think it’s nec

However, Angela refused to comply with his wishes. “I’ve told Jonathan that we should be honest with each other. I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep this f

Jonathan is her biggest supporter now. Reasonably, she would not want to keep anything from him. Besides, Michael had come to her for Fanny’s case,

After hearing her response, Michael did not try to persuade Angela further. He hung up the phone immediately.

Angela decided not to tell Jonathan about this matter. She had only said that to Michael as a precaution, but she had decided not to tell Jonathan yet bec

Michael arranged to meet Angela in a private tea garden. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city, nestled by the mountains and waters, it was a good

Angela parked her car outside, as the road to the tea garden was too narrow for vehicles to enter. Some pedicabs were also arranged here to facilitate v

When Michael saw Angela, he noticed her displeased expression when she glanced at Christopher. She seemed somewhat awkward for no apparent re


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Chapter 269 Invitation From The Elders

Although they had no connection, Angela was an understanding person who would act appropriately at the elders‘ invitation.

Michael gestured for Christopher to pour the tea that was warming on the small fire for Angela and then began to explain the purpose of the meeting. “I’m

you need.”

She wanted to refrain from engaging in small talk with this father–and–son pair as much as possible. Michaelalso knew they were practically strangers and went straight to the point, “The thing is, I know there have been some issues between you and Fanny. How

Angela remained calm and smiled slightly. “Please, go ahead and tell me what

Angela frowned, looking at Michael with confusion.

Why would he tell me about their divorce? she thought.

She kept her composure and continued to listen as Michael said, “But, regardless, they were once engaged. Fanny is currentlyinvolved in controversial legal cases. We can’t just turn a blind eye. In other words, we have to help out in some way.”

Angela could not help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

Okay, I understand you want to help her, but why would you call meout and involve me in this matter? I hate Fanny, but did I have the ability to stop you from doing anything? she thought.

Michael continued his talk for a while, and Angela, as a younger one, had no choice but to nod obediently to his words. She felt that things should be mo

On the other hand, Michael sensed a strange atmosphere as Angela remained calm despite him broaching the topic. He then lowered his voice and cont


She nodded in acknowledgment. Although she had provided the information to Linda, had yet to anticipate the extent of the complexity. Thanks to the Sa

She found the situation increasingly perplexing.

“I have some knowledge of the matter. However, my relationship with Fanny is strained, so I don’t involve myself in her affairs,” she vaguely replied.


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Meshaet oghed. “We understandable. I don’t hold her in high regard either

ad Sull silent, Christopher interjected, “Let’s not heat around the bush. She is playing shumb now. We need to common her directly to prevent further dec

As Michael scolded him to be silent. Angela glared at Christopher sideways.

After reprimanding Christopher, Michael apologized to Angela, saying. “He can be impulsive.

Angela smiles in response

After noticing her lack of reaction. Michael continued, “We assisted Fanny before, and everything was resolved. But now, the issue has resurfaced. I was

Angela was puzzled by the mention of Jonathan.

As Jonathan’s father, wouldn’t it be more appropriate for you to approach him directly if you need his help?” Angela questioned Michael’s indirect approa


Jon has a stubborn nature, and our relationship is complicated,” Michael explained. “If he listens to anyone, it would be you. Fanny is no longer partof the Kins Family and has been. through a lot.”

Angela grew more confused as the conversation got going, as she was unsure of Michael’snovelbin

true motives.

“I’m not sure I follow,” she admitted.

Before Michael could respond, Christopher erupted, blaming Angela for escalating the situation by involving Jonathan again.

“Angela, I never expected you to be so vindictive. Are you really that heartless towards Fanny, who has lost everything? You will get your karma in the fu

Christopher launched into a relentless tirade as if he were unleashing all the recently. accumulated grievances in one go.

Angela finally pieced together the truth that Jonathan was instigating trouble for Fanny behind the scenes, which explains the sudden resurgence of the

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