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Chapter 3167

Liberty only said she had a dream and because of that, Duncanabandoned his work and came here to take up his friend's precioustime.

He was afraid Zachary would laugh at him.

He, however, simply felt uneasy. He did not think Liberty would have adream like that for no reason.

It was said that your worries tended to surface in your dreams, after all.Did Liberty have a dream like that because someone said something toher and she started overthinking it?

“Just say whatever it is that you want to say. We've been friends for somany years. What is there that can't be said?”

Zachary got up and walked around his desk as he asked Duncan, “Doyou want coffee, tea, or water?”

“Coffee, please.”

“There should still be some in the pantry—let me see. If not, I'll just getyou some water.” Zachary entered his pantry.

A few moments later, he walked out, carrying two steaming cups ofcoffee.

“There was enough for two cups.” Zachary placed one of the cupsbefore Duncan and sat back in his seat before setting his cup down. Heasked, “Does it have something to do with Liberty?"

If it was work, Duncan would not have been so anxious as to comehere personally and would have just called him instead.

Zachary guessed that it might be because Liberty said something toDuncan after Serenity mentioned Mrs. Torres to Liberty.

Duncan glared at his friend. “You do know something. Did Serenity saysomething to her?”

“They talk to each other every day. I don't know what they talk about ifSerenity doesn't tell me.” Zachary did not reveal what he knew rightaway. “What did Liberty say to you?"

Duncan did not answer and instead dug his phone out to play forZachary the voice note Liberty sent him.

Zachary was silent after he heard it.

“Liberty has never had a dream like that before. Serenity must havesaid something to her to make her dream about that. Did Serenitybadmouth me to her? But Serenity’s usually fine with me! And she stillbadmouthed me to her sister behind my back?!"

Zachary was speechless for a moment before he replied. “Don’t put thison my wife. She's never badmouthed you. Do you know everythingLiberty has ever dreamed about? How do you know she’s neverdreamed about something like this before?

“Liberty's previous marriage was broken by adultery. Subconsciously,she might be worried that someone will come in between the two ofyou. What's so strange about her having a dream like that?

“Besides, it's just a dream. Didn't you hear what she said? She said itwas a faceless woman. That means she doesn't even know who it is.That woman might not even exist. It's just the trauma from her previousmarriage affecting her.”

Duncan was silent at this because he felt that Zachary’s analysis wasreasonable. Was that really the case though?novelbin

“But the fact that Liberty had a dream like that shows that she thinksyour relationship isn’t strong enough. She's subconsciously worriedsomeone will break you two up because she lacks confidence in you orherself.”

Duncan protested, “But my feelings for her are as clear as day. I haveand will never love anyone else but her. I'm so old now, I can't afford toplay around—I've never even thought of it! I'm absolutely sincere abouther.

“Does she still not believe in me even after all we've been through? Andwhat does she have to be insecure and worried about when my entirefamily has accepted her and can't wait for us to get married as soon aspossible?”

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