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Chapter 2975

True enough, Zachary arrived home at midnight.

He drank a little alcohol but was not drunk.

Austin, who had been waiting for Zachary’s return, walked out when he heard the sound of a car


Zachary’s car had stopped in front of the door.

A bodyguard got out of the car. When he spotted Austin, he greeted him and quickly opened the door

for Zachary. He wanted to help Zachary get out of the car but was refused.

“I’m not drunk,” said Zachary.


Austin stepped forward and extended a hand to help him. However, he was pushed away as well.

“Why are you here, Austin?”

Zachary was surprised to see his brother.

“I just had one glass. I’m not drunk, and I don’t need any help.”

“I was waiting for you because I have something to tell you.”

Austin still supported Zachary. When he smelled the alcohol, he said, “You must’ve drunk a strong one.

You reek of alcohol.”

“The talk was going well, so I had some.”

Zachary sniffed himself as he walked into the house. He asked Austin, “Is the smell really strong? Do

you think it’ll affect Serenity?”

He probably had to sleep in the study for the night.

Seren did not like him smoking and drinking.

Whenever he smoked during business engagements, he would chew lots of gum and only return homenovelbin

when the smell of cigarettes was no longer there. He did not want to bother Serenity with the smell,

even more so now as Serenity was pregnant with their baby.

He could not let Serenity smell cigarette smoke.

There was not a hint of cigarette smoke in the house.

Zachary’s friends knew that smoking was not allowed in his house.

Austin did not reply.

He was not Serenity and would not know if she would be bothered by the alcohol stench.

Zachary muttered to himself, “I can smell it on myself. It’s late. I don’t want to disturb Seren. I’ll just

make do with spending the night in the study.”

Suddenly, he stopped and asked Austin, “I think I saw Dad and Mom’s car in the parking lot just now.”

Was he mistaken?

Austin answered, “Mom and Dad are here. Nana is out meeting her friends. She isn’t back yet. Mom

was worried that you couldn’t take care of Serenity, so she came over with Dad for a short stay. She

can look after Serenity for you.”

The corners of Zachary’s mouth twitched. How could he possibly not take good care of his wife?

His parents were here to be third-wheelers.

Nevertheless, he could not chase them away.

Wait. His parents were thoughtful people. They would not visit all of a sudden and disturb him and


Something must have happened.

Zachary’s expression turned serious. “They bickered? Is the problem related to you?” Content belongs

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Austin thought, ‘Zachary’s brain is still so alert while intoxicated. He’s hard to fool.’

“Sit down first. I’ll get you some water.”

After speaking, Austin went to get his brother a glass of water.

Zachary sat on the sofa.

The TV was still on with its volume turned down. There was a pot of tea and some snacks on the coffee


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