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Chapter 2872

Mark glanced at Quinn. Seeing that she seemed normal, he lamented to himself that no matter how he

looked at it, the two of them did not seem like lovers. Quinn still saw Julian as a buddy, did she not?

And what on earth was Julian afflicted with?

Zoey had cut some fruit. When she saw the two come in, she called, “I’ve just finished cutting some

fruits. Come have some since you guys are back.”

“Quinn bought me some clothes.”novelbin

Julian was all smiles as he walked over to his future brothers-in-law with the bags in hand and sat

beside them before starting to show off the clothes Quinn bought for him.

Quinn felt her face heat up as she watched him show off and knew without looking in a mirror that she

was blushing. She did not even sit down and said to her family, “Mom, Will, Mark, I’m heading upstairs

to rest first.”

Then she went upstairs with the bouquet of flowers in her arms.

She did not want her family to see her blushing shyly.

Quinn’s brothers were very accommodating to Julian showing off. When Julian boasted about the coat

Quinn bought for him, they praised Quinn’s eye for style and said Julian looked very cool in it, and that

it was thick and must feel very warm while wearing it.

Then, they said that Quinn rarely bought clothes for them despite being her siblings.

In short, those few pieces of clothing made Julian’s heart burst with joy as he tasted the sweetness of

love and the happiness his friends used to feel at being gifted something by the person they loved

despite it not being very valuable.

In the end, the Crawford brothers did not manage to ask Julian what he was afflicted with.

Will had already booked the flight tickets. First thing the next morning, he and Dave would be taking a

flight to Wiltspoon. They wanted to find out more about the Buchams’ characters in secret and also

wanted to know what Julian’s illness was.

They were afraid that if they asked Julian to his face, Julian would not speak the truth.

It was better if they tried to find out by themselves.

They did not speak further that night.

Early the next morning, Will and Dave took a cab to the airport.

When they left, Quinn was still in dreamland. Even Julian, who normally got up early, happened to be

having a sweet dream in which he was about to kiss Quinn but did not manage to. He could not bear to

wake up, so he did not know Dave and his son had gone on a trip.

They had just left when Mr. and Mrs. Bucham arrived.

They did not dare to bring their bodyguards in their retinue of luxury cars with them for fear of

frightening their future in-laws. Thus, they drove a very ordinary car, thinking this would make them

seem more down-to-earth.

As for the things they had prepared for their future-in-laws, apart from some artisanal cheeses and a

few bottles of wine, there was nothing more expensive than that. They were also afraid that if they gave

anything too expensive, their future in-laws would refuse them.

However, they felt that just bringing some cheese and a few bottles of wine was too little.

Plus, Zoey was from their region. She probably liked gifts like these the most after having moved away

for decades after marriage.

The couple drove a seven-seater van up to the entrance of the Crawfords’ home, the car filled with their

“down-to-earth” gifts.

“Hubby, do you think we arrived a bit too early? Look, their lights aren’t even turned on yet.” New

chаpter av?ilable on Drаmа?оvеls.cоm

There were very few pedestrians on the road as well.

When Walter and Stacy saw how dark the Crawfords’ home looked, they realized they might have

arrived too early and might disturb their sleep.

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