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Chapter 2791

After a while, Sophia said, “Forget it, I can’t control you. Do whatever you want. I still want to live a

good, long life.”

“Mom, I’m a good daughter.”

Sophia said, “I didn’t say you weren’t, but if I continue interfering with the revealing of your identity as a

woman, I might be driven to death with anger. So, for the sake of my longevity, and to have you as my

daughter, and to see you getting married and having children, I have decided not to meddle in your

affairs anymore.

“Whether you want to be identified as a woman or a man, and since you both don’t care about what

others think, then why should I bother? A grown woman doesn’t need her mother to dictate her life.

You’ve long been beyond my control.”

Sophia then got up and walked out.

“Mom, where are you going?”

"To get a breather, to clear my mind, and to chat with your dad.”

Donald was watering the plants outside.

Hayden said, “Go on then. After chatting with Dad, you’ll realize I‘m still the best.”

Feeling both angry and amused, Sophia walked straight out of the main house.

While watering the flowers, Donald asked, “Has Hay finished her practice?”

“Ah, don’t mention it. She has just started to adapt. It’s difficult. Old habits of twenty-odd years die hard.

She can’t transform herself to look like a young lady in just one afternoon. It’s just impossible.”

Donald chuckled. “I thought so.”

He continued watering the flowers, “As long as the children are happy, it doesn’t matter what identity

she lives as.”

Everyone knew Hayden was his eldest son. If Hayden suddenly became a woman, it might cause a

sensation in Jensburg.

Just thinking about the scene of incessant phone calls, Donald was tempted to shut off his phone


“She said she’ll wear an evening gown but won’t wear high heels. She’ll wear leather shoes. Sigh… If

only we hadn’t indulged her back then. On a whim, she turned from a well-behaved daughter into a

‘son’ for more than twenty years.”

“Hindsight is 20/20. Hayden dresses however she likes, and she’s the one others point fingers at, not


Donald was relaxed about it because he had long abandoned the dream of making his daughter


Hayden was raised as a boy from a young age and still dressed as a man even into her twenties, yet

no one could tell. It showed how successfully she was pulling off the masculine guise. A sudden

transformation into a refined young lady was like squaring a circle.

“Even if someone has something to say, we’ve heard plenty about Hay before. When Kevin was initially

pursuing her, how many have come to us with their opinions? You said at the time that we shouldn’t

care about what others say. Everyone has a mouth of their own; we can’t stop them from speaking.

“As long as our child is happy, who cares about the rest?”

Listening to her husband’s words, Sophia sighed again. “That’s all we can do. She’s almost thirty and

her own person, and she’s always been independent. Let her be.”

If needed, they would turn off their phones for these two days to avoid bombardment from relatives and


After giving up on the idea of training her daughter to be a refined lady, Sophia’s mood improved. She

joined her husband in tending to the flowers and plants in the front yard.

Kevin arrived.

He had never come empty-handed to Queen Manor and this time was no exception. He stepped out of

the car laden with bags, not forgetting to hold a striking bouquet of roses.

“Donald, Sophia.”

Kevin greeted them with a smile before getting out of the car.

Then he walked toward the Queen couple with his bags.

As soon as Sophia and Donald turned to see Kevin, she hurriedly approached him, taking things from

his hands while speaking to him, “Kevin, how many times have I told you not to bring so much stuff

every time you visit? We have everything at home.”

“It’s nothing exquisite.

“Is Hay at home?”

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