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Chapter 2013

“The Fisher family in Jensburg?”

Mrs. Stone was taken aback. She said, “I heard of them but never interacted with that family. Why?”

“There aren’t many people with the last name Fisher, Aunt Audrey. The Fishers in Jensburg are

different from other prominent families. They prioritize daughters, and they’ve always had matriarchs.”

Mrs. Stone looked toward Serenity and asked, “Seren, do you think I’m related to the Fishers and are

part of them?”

Serenity nodded. “I suspect so, and so do Zachary and the rest. He was the one who told me, so I

came over to ask you about it.

“Do you remember where you used to live?”

Mrs. Stone did not give an immediate reply. Instead, she became lost in her memories.

She was only eight when she and her younger sister were sent to the orphanage. Although she was

already aware of some things, she was still a child who did not know much.

She only knew she had lost her parents and family. She and her sister became orphans and were

taken away from home by a nanny. After having been to several places, they finally arrived at an

orphanage in Wiltspoon.

As the sisters were still young, she could not remember where her home was even though she had a

good memory. She could only recall that her family was well-off and people called her young miss.

Her mother was very busy. It was mostly her father who accompanied the sisters.

Their parents loved them, and their grandparents had never shunned them for being girls. On the

contrary, their grandparents liked that they were daughters.

One day, their parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles never returned after going out. After that,

someone told them their family had been in an accident. There were no survivors.

Mrs. Stone and her sister were the only ones left.

Her younger sister had been too young to understand what death meant. Actually, she did not

understand it very well either. She just knew she could never meet her parents and relatives again.novelbin

Later, she and her sister were taken away from their house. They alternated between traveling in a car

and walking continuously. In the end, even the woman who was with them disappeared. They ended up

in the streets and were sent to the orphanage.

Mrs. Stone only had that many memories of her younger days. She had no impression of the rest.

“Seren, so what’s with the Fisher family of Jensburg? Are they related to my mom? My mom’s last

name was Fisher too. Are they my mom’s family?” Elisa asked curiously.

If the Fishers in Jensburg were her mom’s family, her mom and aunt would not have had to go to an


Serenity told Elisa some information about the Fisher family. She mainly mentioned that the previous

matriarch had two daughters. After everyone in the Fisher family passed away, the two daughters also

went missing. It had been tens of years, yet their location and status were still unknown.

Rumor had it that the current matriarch killed the previous matriarch and did not spare her two nieces

as well.

Elisa was in great shock upon hearing that. She looked toward her mom.

Mrs. Stone muttered, “I had aunts. I had two aunts. However, it’s been so many years. I have no

memory of them at all.

“I was only eight while Lisa was four when we lost our family. We couldn’t remember much. I can only

recall that my family was probably well-off because people called me young miss.

“My mom was especially busy. Her work was never-ending, but she loved us and treated me well.

However, she was very strict too. She would always expect the best from me in whatever I do.”

Elisa and Serenity exchanged glances. They could almost confirm that Mrs. Stone was the eldest

daughter of the Fisher family’s last matriarch.

Serenity recalled Zachary mentioning that Mrs. Stone’s age did not match those of the last matriarch’s


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