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Chapter 1763

Chapter 1763

Camryn’s face flushed after hearing those words.

It turned out York Corporation’s employees had already regarded her as the wife of their COO.

Callum helped Camryn into the car happily and fastened her seatbelt for her.

She held onto the bouquet she had brought again.

When he got into the car, he asked for her opinion, "Camryn, I want to bring you back to Wildridgenovelbin

Manor.Are you okay with it?"

His parents had secretly come to look at her several times, but they dared not disturb her as she had

not accepted his feelings previously.She did not know she had already become the apple of her future

in-laws’ eyes and managed to shove him into a corner.

Callum’s mother said that she wanted a dainty daughter-in-law like Camryn as she did not have a


She also mentioned she adored Camryn the moment she met her and that Camryn could arouse

protective instincts in people around her.

If Callum brought Camryn back to Wildridge Manor, it would have a different meaning.It would be his

first time bringing her to meet his parents and elders.

Camryn said nervously, "But I don’t have any gifts prepared."

He was eager to take her home to meet his parents right after she agreed to be his girlfriend.

Although Camryn knew Callum’s family was aware of their relationship, she was still nervous.She was

like an ugly duckling meeting its in-laws.

"There’s no need for gifts.Bringing you back will make them happier than receiving gifts."

"We can’t do that.Basic etiquette should still be observed.How can I meet your parents for the first time

empty-handed? Bring me to buy some presents now." Callum smiled.

"Okay.I’ll bring you to the supermarket now.You can just buy some food and drinks because my family

doesn't lack anything.As my mother said, she lacks a daughter-in-law the most."

Camryn blushed again.

Callum took out his phone and tagged everyone in his family’s group chat: (I’m bringing Camryn back

to Wildridge Manor for a meal.If any of you happen to be free, go back to the manor.]

Zachary replied first: [What a coincidence.Your sister-in-law said to return to the manor tonight.We’re

already on our way.]

Kevin: [Noted.I'll depart now.)

The remaining Yorks who were in Wiltspoon replied to Callum that they would rush back too.

Rowan’s summer break had not started.

He was in school without a phone, so he could not reply to his brother’s message.

Of course, Callum had automatically neglected his youngest brother.

Well, a child’s most important duty was to study.

Rowan would have thought, ‘I’m not a child anymore.I’m a teenager."

When Callum’s parents received his message, his mother immediately replied: (How long will it take for

you to arrive? Is asking the chef to cook a few more dishes now too late? Camryn likes grilled salmon,

right? I’ll have the chef make it now and ensure he removes all the bones.] Her future daughter-in-law

could not see.

She was worried Camryn would choke on a bone when she ate fish.

Therefore, she thought of asking the chef to debone the fish.

If Camryn could see, she would definitely be touched by her future mother-in-law’s attentiveness.

The family group chat was lively.

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