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Chapter 1710

Chapter 1710

With a deadpan face, Duncan threw a fit about refusing to see Liberty.

Now that he saw her in person, his greedy eyes locked onto Liberty’s face as if he was trying to etch

her looks on his mind.

Duncan opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came through his parted lips.

Duncan was at a loss for words.

He must be dreaming.

Duncan said he did not want to see Liberty, so his parents would not let her in.

He had to be dreaming.

Duncan closed his eyes once more.

The soft tissue brushing against his skin prompted Duncan to open his eyes.

He was not dreaming.

It really was Liberty.

He could not believe that Liberty was here.

Who let her in? With a chilling gaze and an aloof expression, Duncan raised his hand and roughly

slapped Liberty’s hand away.

He sternly questioned, “Who said you could come in? I don’t want to see you! Get out! Aren't you

happy enough that you got me in this sorry state?

Go! Go now! The last person I want to see is you!” Liberty calmly retracted her arm and faintly uttered,

“Your mother paid me three hundred thousand dollars a month to come and take care of you.

I’m hired to do a job.

“Well, it can’t be helped even if you don’t want to see me.

How about you close your eyes? You can’t see me with your eyes closed.” Liberty threw away the

tissue and said, “I don’t think you’ve had lunch.

Are you hungry? I made you some hot stew.

Do you want to have it yourself, or do you need me to feed you? I should provide extra attention since

I’m on a salary of ten grand per day.” Duncan gave her the death stare.

“One more thing.

I’m not the reason for your accident.

You were speeding.

You should bear the consequences of your mistake.

Even Sonny knows that.

“Watch the speed limit next time.

You're not flying a rocket.” While talking, Liberty got up and rammaged through the drawers of the

bedside table.

She was trying to find a bowl for Duncan to eat from.

Duncan was speechless.

“What are you looking for? Are you trying to steal something?” Duncan interrogated with a grimacing


“I’m trying to steal a bowl to put your stew in.

Is there a bowl I can steal?” Duncan had no words.

He had smashed all the bowls and plates.

Unable to locate the dishes, Liberty said, “I guess you’l] have to eat out of the food container.

“7 don’t want it.

I’m not hungry anyway.

Get out! Get out now!” Duncan yelled as he tried to sit up.

Nevertheless, the pain coursed through his legs at the attempt, so he gave up on pulling himself up.

Seeing that Liberty was unmoved, he grabbed his pillow and smacked it at her.

Liberty effortlessly caught the incoming pillow and put it on the bed reserved for visitors.

She said, “Mr. Lewis, I told you that Mrs. Lewis hired me to nurse you.

She had paid the money to me, and I’m not coughing the money back.

“That means Ill be looking after you.” Duncan replied, “I'll give you six hundred thousand dollars to get

out of my sight.

I don’t need you to take care of me!” He had a feeling that his mother would go and look for Liberty, so

Duncan made it seem like he blamed Liberty for the accident.

Unbeknownst to him, his mother still got in touch with Liberty and hired Liberty to look after him.

“It sounds like a deal of a lifetime, but I believe in earning an honest living.

I don’t believe in free money, so I will carry on with the job I’m paid to do.” Duncan hit the bed.

“Get out, Liberty.

Get out! I don’t want to see you! Someone, get in here and kick her out.

Mom! Dad! Get in here and drag her out of here.”

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