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Chapter 72

Chapter 72

“Mrs. Luxe, I know you’re kindhearted. Accept this as a token of my appreciation.”

Angeline placed the money into Hussey’s hand and said, “Please keep this.”

Hussey ultimately accepted the money.

On Tuesday morning, Angeline set off to the airport.

Before departing, she kept reminding Henrietta, “Call me every day. When you leave the house andbefore you go to bed, you must turn the gas off and lock the doors securely.”

Henrietta, who was carrying her school bag, nodded obediently. She opened the door for Angeline.

“I’m leaving. If you need anything, look for Mrs. Luxe or call me.”

Henrietta smiled and signed, “Don’t worry.”

Once the plane landed safely, Angeline received a message from Henrietta.

She told Angeline to stay safe and eat well. Angeline then took the direct bus to CloudsvilleCollege.

When she arrived at school, Angeline immediately headed to the laboratory and monitored the dataon the computer.

Meanwhile, Marion, who went to fetch a cup of water earlier, noticed Angeline staring at the screenwith a frown.

She asked, “What’s wrong?”

“I think the data calculated from the computer doesn’t match the third data set we collected afterthree years.‘

Angeline turned around and said, “I’m going to use the quantum computer to calculate the resultsagain.”

“It’s already 9:00 pm!” Marion replied hurriedly.

“Even if you use that computer to calculate the data, you’ll only complete the calculations tomorrowmorning. You won’t be able to leave before that.”

“It’s fine.”

Angeline smiled and arranged the lab reports. She held the heavy stack of materials to her chestand stood up.

“The sooner I calculate the results, the faster we’ll be able to analyze what went wrong.”


+15 BC

Marion looked at Angeline’s back view as she left.

Marion exclaimed, “She’s full of energy!”

“She’s not full of energy. Since her adoptive mother suddenly passed away, and she doesn’t haveto pretend to be strong for Henrietta now, Angeline has too much time on her hands. If she doesn’tfind something to do, she’ll be overwhelmed by grief.”

Alva stood in front of the water dispenser.

“When my grandmother passed away, I kept working as well. I was consumed with sadnesswhenever I stopped.”

“After Angeline checks the data, we should give her more work. We can’t let her relax!” Marionsaid.

“You should change your name to Scary Marion instead!” a schoolmate teased.

“Let’s continue to keep her company. She won’t think negatively if she’s surrounded by otherpeople. Reese, remember to organize a gathering later on!”

Reese, who was using the microscope, grinned.

“Our professor managed to convince Gregory to return from overseas. Wouldn’t it be lively to havehim around?” novelbin

“But I heard him call Gregory this afternoon. I think Gregory will only return to the laboratory afterthe New Year.”

Marion pouted.

“I heard he had to help his cousin prepare a wedding proposal and needed to visit his relatives. Hedoesn’t care about our research at all.”

Angeline stayed in the laboratory the whole night and didn’t return to her dormitory. When morningcame, she received Henrietta’s message. The young girl informed her that she was going toschool.

Angeline stood in front of the printer that was printing the data out. She placed her phone on

the printer and mascared her neck tiredly

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