Scheming Colonel: come back to me

Chapter 3 Mr. Ex-husband!
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Chapter 3 Mr. Ex-husband!

In a word, it was as if an atomic bomb had been dropped on the ground.Mrs. Sean’s face was black.

Ronnie Maine looked quite silly because of the news. Even Pearl Sean stopped crying and wiped a handful of snot and tears, surprised while asking:"What are you talking about? "

"I said I have divorced lan Sean,” Erin Maine repeated.

"Yes, itis!" Mrs. Sean was so angry that she couldn't even hold on. She started to take her mobile phone with trembling her hands. "I'll see how lanwill explain to me!"

"Mother!" A cold voice suddenly came from the front of the door, interrupting Mrs.Sean's calling. Everyone turned their heads and saw a tall andstraight figure standing in front of the door.

lan Sean came and threw the copybook bag on the table. Erin Maine was very pleased to see this man quickly had applied the divorce document insuch a short time.

"lan, this woman said you've divorced her? " Mrs. Sean pointed at Erin Maine with trembling fingers. The latter was calm on his face, obviouslyseeing that the thing was not serious enough.

lan Sean frowned and glanced at the Erin coldly. He replied in a deep voice, "Yes, we will soon finish the whole divorce procedure."Pearl looked at the documents on the table, and then looked at the Erin Maine with a calm face. Suddenly, she cried.

"Bro! You finally come back home! This woman attacked me just now! She even had fought against mama! " Pear! trotted to pull lan Sean's sleeve.crying and pleading: “Fortunately, you divorced her, she's a witch!"

lan Sean's eyebrows twitched a little. He was disgusted with this little girl. He drew back his arm: "Why did she attack you?""Ah?" Pearl stopped crying and choked, "I, 1......""Because I didn't buy her dessert,” Erin said with a smile. "I'm here for her good. Look, I'm just a maid of this family in her eyes."

Erin Maine took a deep look at Pearl. She was only teasing because actually, Pearl was just a little bit mellow. But she knew that lan Sean didn't careabout trivial matters at home.

Sure enough, lan Sean's look became serious after hearing this, he said with a cold voice: "Can't you buy things on your own?"

"I, [just asked her to buy it for me..." Pearl didn't think that she went for wool and came home shorn. She explained grievously: “She! She kicked medownstairs. Look at my face...”

"You kicked my suitcase first." Eric Maine interrupted her and looked at her with a sneering look. “I'm here to help you. Why don't you shame yourselffor doing the wrong things?"

"You..." Pearl was speechless and stamped her feet angrily. Seeing that lan Sean was not on her side, she immediately began to cry to his mother,"Mom, they all bullied me!"

"lan Sean, your wife is really out of line!" Mrs. Sean was involved to protect her daughter, She spoke to Maine rudely: "Even if you have no respect forelderships, how could you make yourself up gorgeously all day long? You are shameless, you don’t follow the women's law at all!"

Shameless? She was called as a shameless girl?

Erin Maine laughed and said: "What a pathetic old fashion, woman's law? Fuck you, there are no such laws just for women, men and women areequal! You old creature! Anyway. I have nothing te do with lan Sean and to this family now. You should go to the ancient century to find your daughter-in-law, she might love ‘women's law'...oh, Ewwww, what a disgusting word!"

"Look at her!” Mrs.Sean was angry and blushed, accusing her: "This is your wife. Look how arrogant she is!"

"Not now.” lan Sean coldly shaved a glance at the Erin Maine, and his eyes were slightly stagnant.

She loosened her ponytail hair, a large volume of flax hair hanging behind her. Her white and delicate red dress made her legs purer and slender.Her long eyes closed sharply.

She has somehow changed. What did she have more than before? lan asked himself.

In the beginning, his marriage to Erin Maine was nothing more than a marriage license. They didn't have a wedding, because he took her first nightonly for responsibility and selfishness.

He was still waiting for Nie Suhuan,his first love to come back fromabroad. Sg he went to join the armyand nevéthad he been back to thishouse-where Erin Maine lived untiltwo aonths ago. He Tcity:because Nie was aboutto comeback. Content belongs taNovelDrama.Org

From marriage to now, lan Sean had never even had a look at Erin Maine. He treated her as a total stranger.

"Whatever, I'm free now!" She laughed and couldn't help thinking of her freedom. "I'll pack up first then I'll pack and go!"

Erin Maine went upstairs happilyunder her plan'of getting rid ofSean's family, she was so carelessthat she did not even notice that tanSean’ sface sank for a while. He>

fol awed up the stairs egardless oftheschatter of his mother anddaughter behind him. Coitentbelongs to

She was so happy to divorce him? Why was he upset?

lan Sean pushed the opening door,seeing that Ais nominal wife washumming-a’ song and picking up theclothes-on the floor. The floor was‘ina megs on the bed, but she was-veryhappy with this mess. She didn'twart to stop packing at allContentbelongs to NovelDrama.Org ©

"Wait." lan Sean's look was mean and cold."Mr. ex-husband, what can I do for you?"

Ex-husband? He just signed the divorce agreement for less than two hours! lan Sean's eyes flashed a fretful wave, he couldn't help to say with awe:"Are you that happy?"

Erin Maine didn’t know what he wanted. So she blinked her beautiful eyes."Why? Aren't you happy?”

In a daze, lan Sean quickly covered his flashy spirit with a cold expression, unconsciously shifted the topic with a deep voice, and conceal itsubconsciously: "I have never seen you wear this dress."

"Does it look pretty?" Erin Maine whirled her body, as if she was a delicate flower, smiling brightly and joking: "It's a pity that you can’t see it in thefuture. Take a good look now, eh?”

Big hand clenched fist tightly, lan's face was gloomy, he yelled coldly: "Change it!"

"Why?" Erin Maine complained: "since I married you, I have been wearing ankle-length skirts. Is that what a woman should wear? I can’t even showmy back in summer. Now that we're divorced, you have no right on judging my clothes!"

"You can’t dress so naked without my permission! Change it now!" he ordered in a word, there is no doubt that this man was suddenly in a badtemper.

Erin Maine couldn't help but gnashed her teeth, she swallowed the words that she wanted to shout at him secretly: "Son of a bitch!" Then squeezedout a twisted smile: "OK I'll go!"

“Fuck you!” She thought.Erin Maine took out a long grey dress from the wardrobe and shook it with disgust: "Ils this OK?"lan glanced indifferently without words.

"If you don’t say I will regard your acquiesce!" Erin Maine began to pull the zipper of her skirt. If she wasn't afraid of his repentance of their divorce,she would have been beating this big pig's hoof already!

How can this ancient traditional male survive in such a modern world?Erin Maine complained secretly while preparing to take off clothes. Just seeing on the other side, she found that this man did not go out at all.

"What are you looking at?" Erin Maine became very angry. "Are you going to stay here to watch me change my clothes?"novelbin

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