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Chapter 880

Chapter: 880

But just as they were about to turn, the bus came to an abrupt halt.

The colleagues Looked forward curiously.

Blocking their path was a truck, surrounded by scattered crates strewn across the road.

Warehouse personnel scrambled to clear the mess.

Standing on the roadside, hands on his hips, Decker looked on with evident impatience, signaling thebus to hang on a bit longer.

Sergio stood up from his seat, advancing to the front, and inquired, “What’s the issue?”

The bus driver swung open the door, explaining, “Looks like a delivery truck had a mishap.”

Sergio stepped out of the vehicle and approached Decker for a brief conversation. He came backshortly after and informed the bus driver,

“Just a bit more time. They’ll clear it up shortly.”

Curiosity bubbled from a passenger asking, “How did the delivery truck end up like that?”

“The truck’s tire went flat as it pulled into the station,” Sergio explained.

Visibly frustrated, Decker blurted out, “Fuck! Who scattered nails all over the ground?”

Trevor’s eyes brightened upon spotting Decker. As he was about to roll down the window for agreeting, he caught Sabrina’s somber gaze fixed on Decker.

Softly, Trevor inquired, “Sabrina, is something the matter?”

“Nothing.” Sabrina looked away, cast her gaze downward, and gave a gentle shake of her head.

She claimed she was okay, yet her expression hinted at a burden on her thoughts.novelbin

Soon enough, the bus resumed its journey.

Afterward, Sabrina’s face became serious and her mood turned sour.

While feeling genuinely unhappy, she also intentionally showed her feelings to Trevor.

While the group indulged in morning activities, Sabrina opted to remain in her room, furtheremphasizing her sour mood to Trevor.

By lunch, Trevor approached Sabrina and the two headed to the dining area together for Lunch.

As he noticed her pushing her food around without eating, he asked with concern, “Sabrina, iseverything okay? Are you in a bad mood? Or perhaps you feel uncomfortable?”

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