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Chapter 589

Chapter: 589

She skipped over and knocked on the window, saying, “Excuse me.”

The driver, Damon, Lowered the tinted window slightly and asked, “Is something wrong?”

Seeing Damon’s handsome face, the girl’s heart skipped a beat, and her tone softened as she replied,“Would you like to come to the bonfire party with us?”

Damon raised an eyebrow and glanced in the rearview mirror, asking, “Do you want to go?”

The girl’s eyes widened in surprise when she realized he wasn’t alone in the car.

She leaned forward and her eyes Lit up.

Despite the dim lighting inside the car, she could still see his handsome features.

His appearance was striking, with straight, impeccably groomed eyebrows that added an air of nobility.His eyes were deep and dark as pools, with a captivating effect that drew her in. The well-definedcheekbones. and chiseled jawline left her spellbound, while the deep eye sockets intensified his allure.Hypnotized, she was unable to look away.

The girl stood in a daze, and didn’t notice what Tyrone said.novelbin

Damon swung the car door open, almost causing the girl to Lose balance.

“He won’t be coming. I’ll join you instead.”

Noticing the girl’s unresponsiveness, Damon shot her a cold stare and ordered, “Move aside!”

“Okay, oka

The girl came to her senses and took a few steps back to make a way.

After Damon got out and closed the door, the girl turned to Tyrone and teased, “Hey, handsome, areyou sure you don’t want to come? Your friend’s coming. You’ll be lonely and chilly staying in the caralone.”

Tyrone ignored her and closed the window.

The girl turned to Damon and asked, “Come on, gorgeous, why won’t you convince your friend to comealong? How can you leave him alone in the car like that?”

Damon replied indifferently, “He chose to stay in the car. It’s none of my business.”

The girl was speechless.

Were they really friends?

Damon then approached the bonfire and thanked the guide. He looked around at the group, and whenhe spotted Sabrina, he nodded.

Sabrina had accidentally bumped into him at the airport. But she didn’t notice his face and hadforgotten about the incident.

She looked at Damon blankly and then looked around. She didn’t understand why he only nodded ather.

Then she overheard the girl’s friend whispering, “Wow! He’s so handsome. I think I’m in love.”

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