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Chapter 21

Chapter: 21

In the early morning, her phone began to ring.

She opened her blurry eyes and reached for the device on the bedside table. Glancing at the caller IDdisplayed on the screen, she answered the phone in a weary voice. “Hello.”

The assistant’s voice sounded anxious over the phone. “Please check the latest trends immediately.”

“What happened?” Sabrina questioned, her heart racing.

As she fired up her tablet, notifications from several news platforms began flooding in.

“Mr. Blakely and Galilea Clifford were photographed.”

Sabrina’s heart skipped a beat as she clicked on the news and skimmed through.

Her assistant, noticing her prolonged silence, asked hesitantly, “What’s our move?”

“Get in touch with Galilea’s team. Hold off on any responses for now. I’ll handle it once I get to theoffice.”

On her tablet screen, the trending topic was dominated by a single photo of the pair entering arestaurant together, sparking wild speculations.

They could have posted a group photo of both teams enjoying a meal together at the restaurant togenerate excitement about the collaboration.


Just as the assistant was about to hang up, Sabrina interjected, “Make sure you have a copy of ourgroup lunch photo from yesterday. Find one where they don’t look too close.”

“Got it, on it.”

After ending the call, Sabrina promptly rose from the bed and hastened to freshen up in the bathroom.

As soon as she arrived at the company, her assistant approached her with a greeting.novelbin

“Did you manage to reach Galilea’s agent? What did they say?” Sabrina asked as they made their wayto the elevator.

Her assistant hesitated, choosing her words carefully. “Mr. Blakely has already forwarded this issue tothe public relations department.”

Sabrina bit her lip and remained silent.

Exiting the elevator, they ran into Evelyn.

The sight of Sabrina brought a smug grin to Evelyn’s face. She taunted, “Well, if it isn’t Sabrina. Didyou happen to notice Ms. Clifford and Mr. Blakely arriving together yesterday? Some people will go tosuch lengths to Lure get his attention, yet he seems uninterested. He even openly declared that he’snot close to you. If I were in your shoes, I’d be too mortified to stick around Blakely Group. It’s utterlyembarrassing.”

Despite her assistant’s visible anger, Sabrina remained nonchalant, brushing past Evelyn.

Undeterred, Evelyn intercepted her, “Sabrina, don’t you want to know how Mr. Blakely has decided tohandle the rumors?”

Sabrina froze.

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