Scars Of A Broken Bond

Chapter 1554
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Sabrina had almost completed her work and was contemplating booking her flight home. She intendedto secure her ticket before informing Bella and others.

Simultaneously, the entertainment magazine featuring Sabrina’s shoot hit the stands, and she receiveda copy from her office. She’d captured a few shots of an actress. Upon the magazine’s release, theactress’s studio posted additional photos online.

Sabrina closely monitored public feedback.

Fans mostly praised the actress’s beauty and grace. Only a handful mentioned the photographerpositively.

Sabrina was as content as ever. When her work involved celebrities, delivering top-notch photos washer duty. Failing to do so would draw ire not just from the celebrities but also criticism from fans. If thebackstage crew went unmentioned by fans, it signified a job well done.

Just as Sabrina prepared to buy her ticket, she received a call from an unknown number. Sheanswered, learning that a clothing brand invited her for the new season’s advertising film shoot.

The brand was moderately known, and Sabrina wondered why they approached her.

The caller explained they’d already finalized a photographer who abruptly canceled near the shootingdate. Others were unavailable.

They stumbled upon Sabrina through a friend’s recommendation.

Sabrina inquired, “When is the shoot?”

“Next Tuesday to Thursday.”

Today was Sunday. Despite some hesitation, Sabrina accepted. She didn’t want to miss this chance.

It would set her back by a week, but Tyrone had promised his support, so delaying her return didn’tbother her.

After ending the call, the person contacted Keilani, saying, “I’ve done as you asked.”

“Good.” Keilani grinned slyly. “Do your utmost to buy as much time as possible.” She was determinednot to let Sabrina return so soon.

“Hello, Tyrone?” While contemplating how to broach the subject of her delayed return to Tyrone,Sabrina received a call from him.

“Have you had dinner?” Tyrone asked.novelbin

“I just finished eating,” Sabrina replied.

Sabrina heard Tyrone’s resonant voice over the line, accompanied by the rhythmic clatter of akeyboard, suggesting a late-night work session. “Sabrina, are you done with your work yet? When willyou come back?”

Just a few hours ago, Tyrone himself meticulously selected his photos for a magazine feature, and theoffice was already in the process of arranging them for typesetting.

Pausing for a moment, Sabrina curled her lips, dodging the question casually. “Is Jennie still inWanda’s house?”

Tyrone was taken aback. He caught on to Sabrina deliberately changing the subject, sensingsomething was up. He pressed his lips together before stating, “Yeah. When will you catch a flight? Iwill pick you up when you land… Don’t tell me that you can’t come back.”

Sabrina knew she couldn’t fool him. She heaved a heavy sigh and confessed, “Lately, I’ve been… Well,I can’t come back for the time being…”

Her voice waned as she spoke, the weight of her admission hanging in the air.

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