Scars Of A Broken Bond

Chapter 1529
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Yesterday, Tyrone was righteous in plotting against Richard. Today, he became her client and spenttime with her under the name of the shooting. He was so arbitrary. Had he not played those tricks, shemight have told him the truth.

Sabrina had just stepped out of the bathroom when a commotion in the hall snagged her attention.Instead of returning to the chamber, she opted to linger by the stairs, becoming an accidental spectatorto the unfolding drama.

As she observed, the source of the conflict became glaringly apparent.

Two women fought for a man. Each vying for his affection.novelbin

The man, ensnared in a love triangle, sought to sever ties with his current girlfriend due to an affair withthe other woman.

His girlfriend stood her ground, vehemently rejecting any notion of separation. With unwaveringconviction, she professed an undying love for her boyfriend, dismissing his infidelity as inconsequential.She was even willing to accept future liaisons with a third party.

Sabrina was utterly astonished. How could such a person exist, willing to endure betrayal in the nameof love?

Angela’s Library

Subconsciously, Sabrina took a few steps back as a realization suddenly hit her like a Lightning bolt.She had seemingly overlooked a crucial aspect of her own experiences.

When Sabrina discovered intimate photos of Trevor and Richard with other women and subsequentlyfelt compelled by Tyrone to end her relationships with them, she didn’t experience sadness. It was as ifthe situation had no emotional impact on her. It was because she didn’t have feelings for them at all.

Tyrone, astute as he was, appeared to discern that she lacked emotional investment in herrelationships with Trevor and Richard.

His unwavering confidence emboldened him to manipulate the situation and exert control over themlike a skilled puppet master.

Then it hit Sabrina. If she wanted to mess with Tyrone, it wasn’t about snagging a new boyfriend. Thegame-changer was falling for someone else, not as some revenge plot but as the real deal.

Tyrone could easily manipulate her boyfriend, but it would be more challenging to sway her affections ifshe were genuinely in love with someone else.

Sabrina wondered how Tyrone would respond if she were to cry over Richard as if she genuinelycared.

Suddenly, Sabrina felt a hand on her shoulder.

“Ah… Lost in her thoughts, Sabrina was abruptly jolted back to reality.

Startled, Sabrina turned around to find Tyrone standing behind her.

She exhaled in relief and patted her chest. “You scared me half to death. What are you up to?”

With a curious expression, Tyrone responded, “I was about to ask you the same thing. You’ve beengone for quite a while, and then I saw you just standing there. I was curious about what’s going on inyour head.”

Lowering her head with a tinge of guilt, Sabrina replied, “Oh, it’s nothing. I heard a commotiondownstairs and saw what the quarreling was about.”

“Well, they’re gone now. Let me take you back home.”


As they settled into the car’s back seat, Sabrina discreetly glanced at Tyrone. She feigned interest inher phone before letting out a heavy sigh.

Tyrone asked with concern, “What’s wrong?”

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