Scars Of A Broken Bond

Chatper 1431
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Chatper 1431

Satisfied, she relaxed on the bed for a while before showering and preparing for the interview in the


While having breakfast, Sabrina received a response from another studio inviting her for an interview.

Uncertain about the duration of the afternoon interview, Sabrina decided to play it safe and scheduled

the second interview for the following morning.

In the afternoon, while en route to Caitlan Studio in a taxi, Sabrina received an interview invitation from

a third studio, which happened to be the studio of Blayze’s friend. The interview was for the following


Sabrina arrived at Caitlan Studio five minutes before the appointment.

After announcing her arrival to the receptionist and stating her purpose, the receptionist asked her to

wait in an office.

As she waited, Sabrina took the opportunity to observe the studio.

She noted that it was well-decorated and had an inviting ambiance.

After a brief wait in the office, a gentle-looking young man in his thirties entered the room. Sabrina

immediately stood up and introduced herself, “Hi, I’m Sabrina.”

“Hello, I’m Allen.”

The two shook hands before Allen gestured toward a seat and smiled warmly. “Please have a seat.”

During the interview, Allen asked Sabrina about her previous work experience and inquired about her

original work.

Sabrina and Allen engaged in casual conversation, creating a comfortable atmosphere.

“I have all I need to know about you. Is there anything you would like to ask about the studio?” Allen


Allen happily answered Sabrina’s questions and provided her with the information she wanted.

The interview concluded after approximately an hour.

Allen promised to inform Sabrina of the interview results three days later.

As Sabrina left the office building, she took a deep breath, feeling confident about her performance.

As for the second interview, Sabrina felt less at ease compared to the first one.

The interviewer at this studio, a middle-aged man, consistently scrutinized her and even broached the

topic of race during their communication, making Sabrina feel uncomfortable.

Sabrina wanted to work with people who would respect and welcome her in a friendly environment.

Due to her discomfort with the interviewer, she decided she didn’t want to work here even if theynovelbin

offered her a job.

In the afternoon, Sabrina attended the third interview at Saleel Studio, located downtown.

From a distance, Sabrina spotted the signboard of Saleel Studio.

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