Scars Of A Broken Bond

Chapter 1286
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Chapter 1286

But Lance didn’t suffer the same hesitation that plagued Sabrina. He replied bluntly, “It’s Sierra and aman called Brady.”

Blayze’s eyes flared wide in surprise and his head whipped around to stare at Lance.

Lance nodded his head to confirm that he was certain.

ALL of a sudden, there was a cruel glint in Blayze’s eyes. He gazed at Sabrina and smiledapologetically.

“I’m sorry, Sabrina. It’s my fault. I failed to restrain my family and friends. I’ll ask the Garrett family togive you an explanation for this matter.”

With a shake of her head, Sabrina remarked, “This has nothing to do with you.”

As far as Sabrina was concerned, Blayze was not responsible for Sierra’s actions.

A N G E L A ‘s L I B R A R Y

Silently, Blayze turned his head back and looked at the road ahead.

The cruel glint was back in full force as his expression darkened.

It appeared he had indulged Sierra so much that she had deluded herself into thinking she couldalways get away from the consequences of what she did.novelbin

Lance leaned into the seat and rubbed his eyes.

“Will this matter cause more trouble?” he murmured.

“It has been settled.”

After listening to their conversation, Sabrina realized someone had filmed the moment they werearrested and posted it on social media.

Rumors were bound to be floating around if the video went viral.

Sierra was still smarting over the countless castigations and abuse the netizens rained on her forstealing Sabrina’s achievements, so she didn’t want to log into her social media account. However, thiswas her chance to make Sabrina suffer. Would she allow Sabrina to escape just because she wasafraid of seeing the horrible comments?

Most definitely not.

Fortunately, the video was deleted a second after Sierra posted it online. Besides, the caption and postabout the content of the video were deleted. In short, there was no trace of anything related to thevideo online, leaving Sierra confused and upset.

Sabrina looked at Blayze gratefully.

Sabrina shuddered just thinking about the torrent of vicious remarks that would hit her inbox if the videowent viral.

She already experienced it once and never wanted to go through it again.

Soon, the car arrived at the community where Sabrina and Bettie Lived.

The ladies bid farewell to Blayze and alighted from the car.

When the two of them entered the community, the car drove off.

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