Scars Of A Broken Bond

Chapter 1241
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Chapter 1241

“You seem to hear some rumors and firmly believe them, given your questions. Even if I provide anexplanation, you may remain skeptical. If you truly desire an answer, I can call Tyrone and have himclarify it for you. Perhaps you’d find his words more believable.”

Brady, momentarily taken aback, contemplated his next move when an abrupt noise shattered thesilence.

Blayze forcefully pushed the accumulated cards toward the center of the table, the sound cuttingthrough the tension.

Meeting Brady’s dazed gaze, Blayze spoke icily.

“She’s offering you an opportunity. Do you wish to hear it from Tyrone?”

Brady composed himself and shook his head.

“Well, that won’t be necessary.”

He recognized the futility of extracting the truth from Sabrina, deeming her too astute. Blayze mightperceive that he was bullying her.

Brady resolved to find a more effective way to reveal Sabrina’s true colors to Blayze.

“Why not give it a try? Aren’t you the least bit curious?” Blayze’s words dripped with frost.

“I’m just, uh, a bit curious,” Brady replied with an uneasy smile.

Angela’s Library

Derek stepped in as the voice of reason.

“Let’s table this for now.

You can take a turn. I’ll be right back. I need to use the restroom.

Glancing at the onlookers, Sabrina calmly rose and exited the room, leaving behind a stifling silencethat hung heavy in the air.

Suddenly, Blayze’s countenance darkened. He fixed an intense gaze on Brady and uttered in ahushed, ominous tone, “Brady, have you lost your mind?”

A transformation washed over Brady’s countenance. He urgently clarified, “Blayze, I’m doing this all foryour own good. Can’t you see it clearly? Sabrina is cunning. She had an affair with Tyrone, but she’stoo afraid to admit it because she doesn’t want to tarnish her images in your eyes.”

Mr. Wilde paused for a moment before adding, “Blayze, what Brady’s saying does hold some merit. Ifyou’re simply considering her as a student, that’s one thing. But if you have any other intentions…

Sabrina is just an adopted member of the Blakely family. Cesar had passed away and Wanda couldn’tcontrol everything. Tyrone despises her and won’t support her. She’s essentially useless…”

“Yes, Blayze. We urge you to weigh your decision carefully,” Mr. Patel chimed in.

Blayze regained his composure, fixing his gaze upon his friends.

“I’ve made up my mind. There’s no need to harp on the matter.”

He regarded them with a firm resolve.novelbin

“If you can’t accept her, you’re under no obligation to come and meet her next time. But if I hear suchwords again, I won’t hold back in voicing my displeasure.”

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