Scars Of A Broken Bond

Chapter 1185
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Chapter 1185

Sierra recoiled in astonishment, instinctively clutching her chest and retreating a couple of steps.

Cautiously, she ventured closer, peering around the stairwell’s corner to discern a figure.

With an emphatic stomp, the light was illuminated.

Before Sierra stood a young woman, her countenance pallid, her eyes tinged with red, a manifestationof the gloom veiling her disposition.

“You gave me quite a start,” Sierra exhaled with relief.

The woman retorted, “I believe you were peering in my direction.”

“How Long have you been here?” Sierra inquired with haste.

“Approximately half an hour,” the woman replied.

Sierra hurriedly asked, “Did you happen to witness a man passing by?

He’s tall and rather handsome.”

The woman shook her head, her expression vacant.

“No, I’ve seen no one traverse these stairs since I arrived. Ascending over 3@ floors on foot is not acommon occurrence Sierra’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Are you absolutely certain?”

“Without a doubt.”

If Tyrone hadn’t descended via the stairs, where could he have vanished to?

Sierra hastened back to Tyrone’s room and systematically inspected each wardrobe, a surge ofapprehension coursing through her.

She thought Tyrone might be clandestinely concealed within the room.

However, the closets yielded no trace of him.

If Tyrone hadn’t utilized the stairwell, he must be lurking somewhere within the hotel, clandestinelydescending via the elevator after she had entered his room.novelbin

That being the case, his escape might have been secured, provided Blayze’s men failed to locate himpromptly.

Or perhaps he found refuge within a room on a specific floor.

The mounting uncertainty became oppressive.

Sierra urgently dialed Blayze’s number.

Should Tyrone have taken the elevator, logic dictated that he would disembark at the undergroundgarage, not the first-floor lobby.

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