Scars Of A Broken Bond

Chapter 1087
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Chapter 1087

She asked casually, and the man answered, “The furnishing is almost complete. We’re simply making afew adjustments. It should be finished within a matter of days.”

Sabrina couldn’t help but smile, her spirits lifted by the news.

In the morning, Jennie enjoyed a harmonious rapport with her fellow classmates.

Seated at the garden’s edge, Jennie regaled Sabrina with tales of her kindergarten adventures duringthe meal.

After Jennie finished, Sabrina packed up the lunchbox and handed Jennie another container, whichwas filled with delectable doughnuts that she had prepared earlier.

“It’s time for class. Return to your classroom and I will pick you up after school.”novelbin

“Alright !”

As Jennie returned to the classroom, her desk mate, observing the scene outside, inquired withcuriosity, “Is that your mother who brought you lunch, Jennie?”

Jennie paused, gazing out the window, hesitated momentarily and offered a subtle nod.

Her desk mate responded with an admiring smile, “Your mother is truly beautiful.”

Jennie retrieved the container and shared the doughnuts with her friends.

Her desk mate took a bite of the doughnut and inquired, “Did your mother cook these herself? Yummy!You’re so lucky. My mother didn’t cook well.”

Jennie beamed with pride as she responded, “Absolutely, my mommy is amazing!”

“What does your mother do? Doesn’t she have to go to work?” her desk mate inquired.

Jennie contemplated for a moment and then replied, “Well… My mommy is a photographer. Shedoesn’t have a fixed work schedule. She took some photos of me and posted them online. Someonecontacted her and wanted me to be a model in children’s clothes!” Jennie shared, brimming with pride.

The term “mommy” had initially felt somewhat awkward on Jennie’s Lips, but as she continued tospeak, her warmth and enthusiasm shone through.

“Your mother is truly incredible, isn’t she?”

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At precisely half-past five in the afternoon, Sabrina arrived at the kindergarten gate punctually.

Guided by their teacher, the children emerged from the gate in a line.

Amidst the sea of children in uniform, Jennie eluded Sabrina’s initial scan.

Upon catching sight of Sabrina, Jennie’s countenance lit up with a radiant smile. Yet, as she readiedherself to call out, a sudden realization caused her to restrain her words.

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