Scars Of A Broken Bond

Chapter 1033
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Chapter 1033

Chapter: 1033

Sabrina, blinking with unspoken understanding, tenderly caressed Jennie’s face and relieved her of thecumbersome bag.

“Of course, my dear. Let me accompany you.”

Inwardly, Sabrina chastised herself for her lapse in judgment.

Sabrina had made a solemn resolve to shield Jennie from the impact of what happened between herand Tyrone. However, her recent reluctance to enter the house or encounter Tyrone had inadvertentlybetrayed her true sentiments, visible even to Jennie’s perceptive eyes

Sabrina sighed inwardly, determined to avoid such lapses in the future.

As they entered the abode, the living room beckoned with an inviting glow, the soft light filtering inthrough the windows, casting a gentle warmth.

Guiding Jennie into the living room, Sabrina’s searching gaze found no immediate presence.

Upon carefully placing their belongings on the sofa, Sabrina intended to leave while Jennie broke thesilence by calling out to the upper floor, “Tyrone, I’m back!”

Sabrina stood in speechless contemplation, her eyes briefly meeting those of Jennie’s.

A mischievous grin danced across Jennie’s visage, her guilt-lLaden countenance a canvas for secretsuntold.

Sabrina, sleeves rolled up in playful anticipation, poised herself to initiate a ticklish assault on Jenniewhen she heard approaching footsteps.

“Miss Chavez, Miss Blakely.” Kylan descended the staircase, clasping a file in his hand, a congenialsmile adorning his features. He extended his salutations to the pair and explained, “Mr. Blakely is still atthe office. He dispatched me to retrieve a document.”

Jennie’s countenance betrayed a flicker of disappointment at the absence of Tyrone. Jennie glanced atSabrina, lips slightly puckered, before sinking onto the sofa, inquiring plaintively, “When will he return?”

Kylan replied with a gentle tone, “He finds himself somewhat engrossed at the company presently. Hisreturn may be delayed.”

“Very well.” In the absence of further matters, I shall take my leave.” Kylan nodded cordially to both andexited the room, documents in tow.

Karen emerged from the bathroom, and Sabrina exchanged pleasantries with her before delving into adiscourse on Jennie’s impending kindergarten journey. Sabrina tenderly patted Jennie’s head,imparting her decision. “Jennie, I must tend to other matters now. I have to go.”

“Alright. Goodbye. Don’t forget to send me to school the day after tomorrow.”

“I won’t forget, my dear.”

With heartfelt farewells to Karen and Jennie, Sabrina embarked on her exit from the villa.

The ebony car still stood sentinel at the villa’s entrance.novelbin

Kylan, leaning casually against the car’s doorframe, arms resting atop the vehicle’s roof, appeared toawait someone’s arrival.

Observing Sabrina’s emergence, he approached, addressing her with a polite, “Miss Chavez.”

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