Scars Of A Broken Bond

Chapter 1031
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Chapter 1031

Chapter: 1031

Gazing upon the countenance that adorned Larry’s visage, Sabrina found herself ensnared in theintricate web of uncertainty, unable to discern the veracity of his words.

If Larry’s utterances held truth, Sabrina’s mind meandered through a labyrinth of queries: Whatclandestine connection did he share with that enigmatic woman? Why couldn’t he tell Lena?

Conversely, if Larry was lying, she pondered with furrowed brows, what concealed agenda might liebeneath this beguiling facade.

Her thirst for answers drove her to press further, yet before she could delve deeper into this enigma,the shrill resonance of her phone’s chime, sudden and unexpected, pierced the air.

With a graceful flourish, Sabrina retrieved her mobile device from her pocket, revealing the caller’sidentity as Murray. Her heart somersaulted within her chest, a fluttering of anticipation. Gently, shegestured to Larry, her unspoken intention clear, and retreated to a more secluded space to entertainthe call’s beckoning.

“Have you succeeded in apprehending Hobson?” Her words, tinged with eagerness, flowed forth like acascade. From the distant end of the connection, Murray’s voice resonated, carrying an undertone ofcontrition.

“Regrettably, no. Hobson eluded our grasp. He was apprehended by someone else.”

Sabrina stood frozen, disbelief etching lines upon her features.

“Someone else?”

Could it be that an emissary dispatched by the puppeteer orchestrating this intricate plot had snatchedHobson from their clutches?

That being the case, the task of recapturing Hobson seemed as elusive as a wisp of smoke andGalilea’s reluctance to testify cast yet another shadow upon their pursuit.

What could be done to avenge her father?

“When we embarked upon the chase, we encountered two distinct factions, each halting our advance,”Murray divulged, his words carving a path through the fog of uncertainty. “Subsequent investigationrevealed that these groups were not in collusion. One faction indeed sought to liberate Hobson, whilethe motives of the other faction remained shrouded in obscurity. It was the Latter group that ultimatelywrested control and apprehended Hobson.”

A sigh of relief flowed forth from Sabrina‘s lips. Hobson had not been rescued, granting them a slenderthread of hope.novelbin

“Then I implore you, unearth the identities and intentions of this enigmatic faction as soon as you can.Rest assured, your efforts shall be met with generous remuneration,” Sabrina asked, the urgencypalpable in her voice.

Zeke’s disappearance bore no significance in the grand scheme of things. In accordance with theintelligence relayed by Trevor, it became abundantly clear that Decker and Hobson shared a deeperconnection. The crux of the matter rested upon Hobson’s apprehension, which would inevitably lead tohis testimony against Decker.

Her fervent desire rested solely on the swift capture of Hobson. With each passing moment of delay,the specter of Decker’s escape Loomed ever larger.

“Understood,” came the assuring reply.

Once the call concluded, Sabrina swiveled around, only to discover that Larry had vanished.

Unperturbed by Larry’s sudden absence, she retraced her steps to the Living room.

Meanwhile, upstairs in a concealed chamber, Larry manipulated his phone, dialing a discrete numberand conveyed, “Hobson has eluded their grasp. Another faction seized him. Initiate immediate trackingand secure Hobson’s retrieval.”

Larry’s subordinates reported back that Hobson had indeed been apprehended, presuming it wasSabrina’s faction that had succeeded in capturing him.

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