Scars Of A Broken Bond

Chapter 1025
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Chapter 1025

Despite her reluctance to forge a connection with Trevor, her willingness to delve into this case, andher readiness to assume the role of Galilea’s assistant in her quest for retribution over her father’sdeath, why had she suddenly chosen to notify the police late at night?

Was she not apprehensive that Galilea might decline to testify?

Arching an eyebrow, Sabrina retorted with a sneer, “What’s the matter? Are you concerned for her well-being? Do you sympathize with her?”

“You know that’s not what I meant.” hen what precisely did you mean?” jalilea and I are not what youassume…”

“You supported her and attended the event with her, didn’t you? How am I supposed to interpret that?Tyrone, have you forgotten the cause behind your grandpa‘s passing?” Sabrina challenged.

Tyrone found himself unable to articulate a response. “I had my reasons.”

“What reasons?” Observing Tyrone’s silence, Sabrina smiled knowingly. “I understand that you mayhave your constraints but you can‘t divulge them to me, can you?”

Sabrina’s tone took on a mocking edge. “To be honest, I’m not the Least bit surprised. Ever since youeasily forgot your grandpa’s death and let her out, I knew that you would soften your heart and reunitewith her someday. Whether you seek justice for your grandfather or stay with Galilea, it’s of no concernto me. Tyrone, if you harbor affection for her, kindly refrain from approaching me and proclaiming youraffection for me. It’s quite revolting!” ©

Tyrone found himself rendered speechless.

Sabrina’s revulsion, as reflected in her disdainful gaze, drained the color from his face. “Revolting? Isthat truly how you feel?”

Observing the melancholy etched within Tyrone’s gaze, Sabrina, in a graceful gesture, gentlycompressed her lips and clenched her delicate fists.

Wasn’t she telling the truth? Why would he be sad?

A resolute declaration, delivered with icy precision, parted Sabrina’s lips. “Indeed, Tyrone! Your recentactions have not only cast aspersions upon your connection with Galilea but have also cast adisparaging shadow over my character. Do you truly believe I would be ensnared in your ruse? No way!Regardless of your intentions, I implore you to cease this charade forthwith!”

Sabrina’s tone was icy.

Tyrone’s piercing stare bore into Sabrina’s being, causing the veins on his forehead to strain under thepressure of his emotions. He inquired, his words charged with frustration, “What is it that you imagine Iseek?”

“How am I to discern your desires? Only you know that.”

Sabrina arched her eyebrows as she responded.

A rueful laugh escaped Tyrone’s lips as he closed the physical gap between them. His tongue brieflygrazed his molars in contemplation as he continued to regard Sabrina intently. He advanced toward herwith measured steps.

Locked in his penetrating gaze, Sabrina involuntarily retreated, her heels pressing against the walladjacent to the elevator’s entrance. A quiver of uncertainty danced within her and she voiced herapprehension. “What… What is your intention?”novelbin

Tyrone leaned in, his arm forming a protective barrier against the wall, his head tilting ever so slightly.Warm breath grazed Sabrina’s face and ears, igniting an almost ticklish sensation, causing her to

instinctively recoil her neck.

“Look into my eyes,” Tyrone implored, his voice reduced to a husky murmur.

Sabrina obeyed, her gaze locking with his deep and enigmatic orbs, shrouded in a mantle of mysteryand unpredictability. His commanding presence left her feeling utterly exposed, and her innermostsecrets and thoughts laid bare before him.

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