Salute To The General

Chapter 989 Ripping Open An Iron Door
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Chapter 989 Ripping Open An Iron Door

Jackie gasped for air feebly, eyes bulging from their sockets. His feet struggled impotently as Nathan's hand retained its vice-likegrip around his neck. He knew he would die soon.

Nathan released his grip on Jackie's neck, tossing him aside casually. Jackie landed with a hard thud in front of the prison cell.Nathan's voice was cool. "Now, take out the keys and unlock the door."

Massaging his throat, Jackie gulped down lungful of air greedily. His voice was a feeble whisper of what it had been. "1-1... didnot bring the keys.”

That was a lie. The keys were actually with him, but he was stalling for time.

There were thousands of other guards in his prison. It would not take too long for an alert to be raised, and he was banking onthe arrival of more reinforcements.

Nathan saw through the ploy almost immediately and felt disgusted by the sight of the pathetic warden. He knew he had to actquickly. Gripping the iron bars of the cell door tightly, he inhaled and started to exert pressure slowly.

In the dead silence of the deepest parts of the prison, the screeching of metal being forced out of shape was unbearably loud.

Taking a step backward, Nathan regarded the results of his handiwork. The durable iron bars of the prison cell pried wider fromhis sheer force.

Jackie just stared and gaped in soundless surprise. Terror overtook him, and he inhaled sharply.This crazy man had pried the iron bars of the cell open with his bare hands!

Was he even human? Or was he some ancient beast that had raw strength beyond imagination?Jackie was not alone in his shock.

Penny and Grace were staring with wide eyes at the impossible feat that had just been performed before them, identical looks ofdisbelief on both of their faces.

Grace—or as she was otherwise known, Professor Quin—was even seized by the sudden urge to abduct Nathan and runscientific tests on such a never-before-seen specimen.

She was more than keen to get to the bottom of Nathan's biology—whether he was human or not.

An unfazed Nathan just looked at Penny and Grace, who were still frozen in shock. His voice was mild. "Stop staring, and let'sget going.”

Penny snapped out of her shock and quickly scrambled out of the cell.

Grace followed suit, although her expression still held a few shades of worry. "Mr. Cross, | understand you are impossibly strongand skilled, but | do have to ask: What hope do we actually have of escaping this place? We're in Volk, and inside one of theirmost notorious military prisons, no less. With all the formidable defenses set around this

prison, it seems impossible."

Grace's worry seemed to have bled over to Penny. Looking at Nathan, she said, "Grace is right. Even if we escape the prison,the whole city will be hunting for us. Can we really get out of this situation?"

Nathan's lip quirked into that familiar smile. "Relax. | promised that | would bring the both of you back to China safely, and that'swhat | intend to do."

Left without alternate choices, Penny and Grace could only trust Nathan's words.Just as Nathan was about to lead them out of the prison cell, the sounds of footsteps could be heard in the corridor up ahead.It was William, flanked by two prison guards.

The corridor was still a fair distance away from the cell, but William's impatient voice could still be heard clearly. He was rantingloudly, "I need to know where you're keeping Penny and Grace! Take me to see those two lovely ladies—right now!"novelbin

He laughed, an ugly sound that raised the hairs on Nathan's neck. "I'll bet those two whores never even dreamed they would endup in my hands. And I'm going to have my way with them until they scream for mercy."

William and the two guards drew closer to the cell.

It was only at this moment that they noticed the prison guards lying haphazardly on the ground. They lifted their gaze to seeNathan and his party.

William's eyes went wide, and his voice was about three pitches higher when he asked, "Nathan—but how are you here?"

His two guards, while both as surprised and angry as their master, had enough presence of mind to draw their guns.

In a heartbeat, Nathan appeared in front of them. He grabbed the two guards by their heads, and before they could even pull thetrigger, bashed their heads together.


The crushing impact was enough tomake the guards’ eyes vibrate in theirsockets. Their epyatted COsippuitahebdsly as they crumpled tothe ground, unconscious. Their gunsclattered out of their handsunceremoniously. Please read theoriginal content at NovelDrama.Org.

Heart hammering furiously at theterrifying sight, Jackie considered hiscurrent option Natharl Bad Sghdredimnistade William appeared. He couldpossibly get up and lunge at Pennyand Grace, taking them hostage.Please read the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

But before he could even move a hair, Nathan's voice sounded by his ear. "Kindly stay where you are, Mr. Warden. I'd hate foryou to throw away your life because of your own stupidity.”

Jackie was terrified when he heard the faint amusement in Nathan's voice.But the fact that Nathan could deduce exactly what he had been thinking about was almost driving him to the end of his rope.

His eyes darted towards Nathan's back, across all of his unconscious guards lying on the floor, then finally landed on the ironbars of the prison cell that Nathan had bent with his bare hands.

He swallowed thickly and chose to stay put. The risk was too high. For all he knew, Nathan was capable of killing him with asingle strike.

At this point, William was stumblingbackward gracelessly as Nathanstalked slowly in his direction. Hisface was contorte inca\mgask 6?tensprafratial ths Blister in his loudvoice could not conceal."Y-you—what are you going to do tome? Do you know who | am? I'm theheir apparent of Eagleland! If youeven touch a single hair on my head,my people will hunt you to the endsof the world!" Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.

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