Salute To The General

Chapter 978 Kill Nathan Cross
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Chapter 978 Kill Nathan Cross

In a VIP ward of the top private hospital in Alberesque of the South.Zizan had just woken up from his surgery.

His subordinates surrounded him as his butler, Tony Sanders, bowed and asked in concern, "Mr. Barton, you're finally awake.The doctor has already performed the surgery. Are you feeling better?"

However, Zizan struggled as he spoke, "Revenge... Find someone and seek revenge immediately..."

Tony had no choice but to say, "Nathan Cross is a very powerful man. What's more, Channing is his territory. It won't be an easytask if we're going to kill him. Mr. Barton, how about you plan your next move when you finally recovered?"

Zizan glared at Tony when he heard the latter's words as if he were a rattlesnake that would attack at any moment.Looking at his master's expression, Tony trembled and cold sweat started to break out right away.

But luckily Zizan had just gotten out of the operation room, so the effects of the anesthetic weren't off yet. Hence, he was stillvery weak.

Otherwise, Zizan would've killed his butler by now.

Yet, he continued to glare at Tony. He only spoke when Tony lowered his sweaty head, "Revenge can never wait.”

Tony didn't dare to refute Zizan anymore. Hence, he lowered his head and quivered, "Yes!"

"Nathan is indeed strong. So | want you to hire someone to kill him." Zizan ordered coldly.

"Who?" Tony whispered.

"Mist Sword!"

Mist Sword!

He's known as the best swordsman in the nation!

He had once killed numerous people, but he retired and is currently living in seclusion in the mountains!

Tony and the others were shocked. Mr. Barton wants to hire someone as powerful as Mist Sword. But will he accept the request?

Zizan pulled out an ancient-looking pendant and threw it to Tony. Then he said coldly, "Mist Sword owes my father a favor. Hepromised us, the Barton family, that if we show him this pendant, he'll be willing to get one thing done for the Barton family. Takethis pendant and go look for him. Tell him the Barton family wants to kill Nathan Cross."

Tony held the pendant as if it were a sacred object and said excitedly, "Yes. I'll get it done immediately. Haha. If we can actuallyget Mist Sword to help us, Nathan will be dead for sure."

At Mount Waybrook by Chilway Lake, a well-built man wearing a straw cape was fishing with a bamboo rod.In the distance, a helicopter appeared and was making a landing.

Tony was dressed in a white suit as he led a few subordinates in black. They got off the helicopter and quickly made their way tothe old man fishing by the lake.

"lam the butler of the Barton family, Tony Sanders. | am here under the orders of my master to meet with you.” Tony saidcourteously.

It turned out that the old man before them was the best swordsman in the nation who had retired, Mist Sword.Mist Sword's expression was cold as he asked, "Why isn't Schubert here himself if he needs something?”

Tony lowered his head and replied politely, "The old master had already passed away. Someone murdered him, so now hiseldest son, Zizan Barton, is in charge of the Barton Group."

Mist Sword was obsessed with kendo and had made countless enemies his whole life. Hence, Schubert was his only friend.

When this lonely man heard that hisonly friend was kill Sueprisé and |anger di@shied Autdss his eyes. Pleaseread the original content atNovelDrama.Org.

He threw down his fishing rod in anger.Boom!

The fishing rod hit the surface of thecalm waters with aloud eche, antlfe egtuinah dtWater rose to theskies. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.


The column of water was at least tenmeters tall. Soon after that, henwaters fell bao inte the fake anddealt ach farted to float up to thesurface as the waters remainedturbulent. Please read the originalcontent at NovelDrama.Org.novelbin

Tony and his group were dumbstruck upon seeing this."Who killed Schubert?” Mist Sword questioned coldly.Tony quickly answered, "A man named

Nathan Cross killed him."

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